(Self) Abuse and Healing During our Saturn Return

Today I want to analyze the natal chart of the actress Jennette McCurdy who recently came out with a heart-wrenching memoir titled “I’m glad my mother died.” The book journeys through the horrific abuse by her own mother, the pitfalls of Hollywood childhood fame, and her own addiction to disordered eating in the form of anorexia and later bulimia. Jenette’s voice is humorous yet mature, self-deprecating and yet wise. As I often do, I looked at her natal chart and found what I suspected would be there- Saturn square Moon. However, MANY people have this aspect alone; not all are Jennette McCurdy or have ill and abusive mothers or stardom fame. Her story is unique and specific to her and it can be seen on a deeper level within her chart. What stands out to me is that her published memoir coincides with her 30th birthday (Saturn Return) and her ability to fully mature and learn her Saturn lessons and use them to help others who have been through similar traumatic experiences.

The natal Moon represents the mother and nurture through food and emotional bonding while Saturn represents restriction and limitation. Jennette has Saturn square her Taurus Moon-Mars conjunction. Moon in Taurus is by definition is all about nurture via emotional security but it also represents eating and food as an expression of nurture. Taurus is a very embodied sign and it feels emotional pain through the body. In general, people who have challenging aspects between their Moon and Saturn tend to feel unnurtured by their caregivers. Moon-Saturn squares are indicators of eating disorders only if the rest of the natal chart indicates this tendency. Jenette’s Saturn not only squares her Moon-Mars conjunction but is conjunct her ascendant which represents the physical body and early life conditioning. She was born with restrictions on her physical needs and lack of nurture from the mother. In addition, there was a lot of aggression and anger from her mother as represented by the Moon-Mars conjunction symbolic of her mother’s personality. Taurus rules the throat and when you have an explosive Moon-Mars, you have a mother that is shouting and speaking angry things because she is fearful about not having enough material things or security. This in turn, creates an inner angry voice within the child’s psyche – a voice that is angry at the mother but soon turns into terrible guilt via the Saturn square to the Moon. Saturn makes the child feel they need to become better in order to earn love and kind words. It is they who need to restrict their emotional needs (and their food) to earn love. The inner parent becomes just as toxic as the real parent. But you don’t get an eating disorder from this alone because there are two more elements that result in that: namely, addiction and control.

I want to point out that Jenette is a successful person who doesn’t have to struggle financially but that very success was paid by the heavy price of having a childhood. People with hard Saturn-Moon aspects often have to grow up to fast and they don’t have the option to just play and have fun. They learn heavy lessons when they are young and often also spend their childhood working or supporting a parent in some way. On the flip side, Saturn means that once they reach adulthood, they can reclaim their individuality and gain a sense of freedom. They learn how to be more light-hearted and how to have fun. Jenette often speaks about having to find out who she is as an individual who not defined by her mother or by her acting career. This makes a lot of sense because individuality is represented by the sign of Aquarius ruled by Uranus which is located in her 11th house opposite her Sun-Venus in the 5th house of childhood. The house opposing your area of struggle is often where healing happens and where you should strive towards – she can heal her Saturn pain by reclaiming her individual freedom and right to belong to herself. The 11th house also can indicate fame and connecting with others via popular media and so she can also heal by telling her story to people and becoming an authority figure in the area of her pain. Jenette’s Sun-Venus in Cancer in the 5th house in opposition to Neptune/Uranus in Capricorn. This means that by sharing her childhood story on a collective level she can find a feeling of belonging and spiritual meaning to all that has happened. It also makes her tremendously empathic, sensitive and creative- but prone to an idealization of female figures (represented by the feminine Venus in Cancer).

“I was conditioned to believe any boundary I wanted was a betrayal of her, so I stayed silent. Cooperative.” 
― Jennette McCurdy

In general, when we have Neptune/Uranus in opposition to the Sun the person has a hard time knowing who they are and often other people define their identity. It is great for people who need to be other people for a living, namely actors but very tough when you are someone who is trying to break free from that pattern of having a blurry sense of Self. It doesn’t help that people with this type of Neptunian Sun tend to be very agreeable and kind and can just go with the flow until it becomes unbearable. Neptune symbolizes sacrifice, martyrdom and false illusions. In Jennette’s case the true Self was sacrificed as well as the feminine and naturally curvy nature of Venus in Cancer which becomes sacrificed for the sake of the mob (11th house/media/Hollywood).
The sign of Cancer is ‘the baby’ or the little child, while the Sun represents her public identity and the Self. Therefore, her Sun-Venus conjunction in Cancer in opposition to Neptune/Uranus shows that her entire identity was formed on remaining a little child that is entertaining the masses.
In addition to the challenges between the Moon-Mars and Saturn AND the Sun-Venus challenges via Neptune/Uranus, Jenette also has Pluto opposing her Moon, which shows the controlling and restricting behaviors towards her own needs for nurture and food due to her controlling mother. Moon-Pluto also indicates a very deep attachment and bond to the mother which is what made it so difficult to ‘betray’ her (Pluto is very loyal, especially when pained).
That said, her entire chart also shows resilience and her strong Mercury and Jupiter show that her true talents are in areas she has only started to explore as an adult.

Jenette’s Mercury in Leo is conjunct her 6th house and it show how she can heal her Sun or sense of Self. For one, having a playful and humorous way to look at herself is very healing- she can’t take herself too seriously if she wants to be healthy. For another, finding ways to communicate in public about her experiences makes her feel seen and proud (Leo). In fact, it is very important she says positive things about herself and takes pride in her healing journey. The more she laughs at herself in public, the more she can feel better about who she is. She can let go of shame and embarrassment the more she talks about her problems to the public (Mercury trine Midheaven). This is not always true for everyone because some people only get worse the more, they share their inner problems with the public (Britney Spears has such indicators, for example).
Meanwhile, her Jupiter in Virgo suggests she will learn a lot about physical health and healing and eventually teach others about that. Jupiter is in the 7th house (A Venus-ruled house), which can also help her self-esteem and confidence about her appearance. I think she was born to write and teach about emotional health and self-nurture.

There is a lot more to be said about her chart (and secrets she may not share just yet) but what we can learn from her is that hard Saturn aspects show pain and trauma but also how we can become so much better and stronger the older we become- and that a Saturn return can be a blessing for those of us who need to heal and free ourselves from restrictive parenting and trauma.

The Underrated Magic of the 6th House

The 6th house does not receive enough credit in astrology. I mean, who likes paperwork? Working out? A healthy diet? Booooring. However, without the 6th house, there would be no 12th house. No beautiful experiences of oneness and connection to other people, no spiritual journey into higher realms. The 6th house is its own kind of magic.

Have you ever finished a long list of tasks only to feel better?
Has taking care of someone else’s problems made you feel less alone?
Has changing your lifestyle ever provided you with more optimism and joy?

The 6th house is all about taking charge of our mundane daily lives, so we make room for something better. We take care of the details so that we have the freedom to escape, explore and learn through the Neptunian energy that is reflected. If we don’t take care of our duties and daily lives, we cannot possibly have room to go beyond them. Why? Because the tasks will pile up, the sink will be full of dishes, our health will suffer and our cars will break down, and next thing we know, we are so busy fixing it all we can’t possibly have room for anything else. No room for beautiful art, music, singing in the rain or reading a good book. Just think how much space you are making for what can genuinely elevate life from surviving to actually living!

It is better to make small daily efforts than to allow a whole pile of problems to take over.
This is not only about physical tasks or work but about the psychological mess that can sometimes pile up if we don’t give daily attention to what is bothering us. If we keep ignoring something, it will eventually become bigger and overwhelming. Think about it this way- Neptune, ruler of the 12th house, has no boundaries and sees infinity as the true reality.
BUT the shadow side of this feeling is that Neptune has no boundaries about what can be…Including nasty things. According to Neptune’s vivid imagination, there are infinite ways that things can happen or go wrong. That is why we become worried and anxious if we don’t use our 6th house. We start thinking about the infinite and strange ways something can go wrong. We feel that we have to plan of disaster and that no matter what something will break or we will be unable to get through the day.
A strong 6th house means being grounded and realistic about our plans and taking care of things before they become problems. It also means taking care of our physical self because we know our spirit and body are one WHOLE. A weak 6th house will try and run away from responsibility by saying: “The body does not matter, the bills don’t matter, I don’t need money. I will be spiritual!”

You know someone has a weak 6th house when they ignore physical needs or the realities of daily life. They perceive the material world as bad or not spiritual. They project their fears and pains and blame the world for being unfair. They decide to just ignore the world. Maybe they escape to go living in the woods (a mild case) or into addiction (worst case). I have a lot of compassion for this reaction. They are in pain and running away is an instinct. Unfortunately, it is not the solution. The solution is to understand that the material world is also spiritual if they decide to make it so…It is their job to bring vision, dreams and magic into daily reality. They can do this through art, music, and the fantastic visions they share with their loved ones for a better future. The infinite possibilities are there. They must first wash the dishes, sign the contract, feed the cat and make themselves a meal that involves vegetables and not sugar.

The 6th house is NOT less spiritual than its mirroring 12th house. Absolutely not. It is the house of service and duty. People that live in their 6th house are the ones that actually make a difference. They are the ones helping those in need, caring for animals and nature and making changes in our public institutions. It is prevalent to find politicians and social leaders with a strong 6th house. They feel like they are vessels for the work they must do and are born with a vision about their mission. This sense of “things can be better” comes from their 12th house shadow. That is why full 6th houses are found among many famous people.

The sense of mission and service 6th house people have propels them to take on the work other people shy away from. They tend to be self-contained in their sense of duty and mission in a way that well…It just works. They don’t need to search for who they are in confusion because their identity is very solid. They define themselves by what they do and the actions they take. They are not so concerned with always searching for identity and meaning because they feel mission is meaning.
Of course, the unbalanced version of that would be someone who only sees work as important and can never relax. In my experience with clients, it is usually easier to fix such a situation than the other one. The 12th house problems tend to be much more severe and it is generally easier to take a person out of their 6th house and towards their 12th house.

“As above so below”
We must remember that the Virgo-Pisces axis symbolizes wholeness, purity and perfection. We must realize the body needs spirit and the spirit needs the body. We must always balance the needs of the two and find ways to make the mundane extraordinary and the extraordinary practical and valuable.

Sun in the 6th house: The Self is defined by the skills the individual can apply to achieve a visionary goal. These people feel that their work defines their identity and sense of well-being. Service and duty make them feel confident. They enjoy working hard to they have time to pursue their secrete dreams. They have a vivid imaginations that can become lost if they don’t make time for creativity and relaxation.

Moon in the 6th house: The instinctive emotions relate to what is going on around them. They require people who are calm and peaceful or they become nervous. The physical body is directly expressive of their emotional state and it is important to find tranquility and independence from other people’s emotions. However, having nothing to do makes them restless and they enjoy caring for small animals, children and loved ones. They want to feel needed and thrive on making healthy choices in their diet and exercise.

Mercury in the 6th house: These people communicate a lot about solving problems. They are good riddle solvers and writers and have acute attention to detail. They are often found in the health professions or in jobs that require helping others. They have a very busy minds and lives and can benefit from silence and quit away from it all.

Venus in the 6th house: These people are crafters of beauty with good attention to how things are made and how things work. They strive hard to achieve something of durability and beauty and are often found in the world of fashion and design where meticulous hard work achieves a product of infinite imagination.

Mars in the 6th house: These people are natural soldiers and politicians. They are often found in the army, police and the government. They requite regular physical activity or they become paranoid and restless about the dangers of the world and where society is going. Some become dancers or any career that requires rigorous physical discipline and effort. They are wholesome and helpful in a no nonsense way.

Saturn in the 6th house: These people work a lot with documents, and in institutions where hierarchy matters. They learn the hard way that they cannot avoid their natural talent fro creating structure out of something abstract. They also tend to be employed under someone of importance for a long time before they are ready to step into the role of a boss. They have skills that can be envied when it comes to planning and considering limitations. Go to them for advice. They have anxiety about never achieving their dreams or being respected for their efforts.

Jupiter in the 12th house: The Visionary

Jupiter feels at home in the 12th house but he is also shrouded in a strange mystery that doesn’t allow it to shine directly. The desire to belong to something bigger propels you to seek the mysteries of life like a scientist of the universe. Space and the stars will magnetize your vivid imagination, stories belonging to old tribes will make you smile and the animals of the world will soothe your tired soul. Nature is your friend; books are your teachers and old mentors are guiding you towards a vision of a perfect world.

If your Jupiter is in the 12th house, you inherited gifts from your ancestors that would encourage you to have a disposition of compassion, empathy, and wisdom. You will learn to become a teacher to others who lost their way or feel like outsiders in life. You will show people how intellectual isolation can be meaningful and empowering.

Jupiter here can mean that one of your ancestors had BIG DREAMS to receive higher education, practice their forbidden faith, or publish their work. However, that dream did not work out and it is now your mission to fulfill it. Maybe the ancestor lived in a country where their ideas and faith were forbidden or perhaps they did not have the money to pursue their aspirations.

Because your life philosophy is so unique, you will often feel alone and like no community shares your ideals. The experience of being an outsider would actually help you spend a lot of time contemplating, learning and reading. You will become confident in your idea of truth and you wouldn’t care if people agree with you or not. There is a confidence that comes with this Jupiter that can surprise people. Even if you are fearful and shy, you will be very sure that your vision matters. 

You will often daydream and escape into your ideas. Sleep is your favorite time of day because you need to travel outside of the prison of your body and mundane life. You could be prone to escaping into the future or how things ‘should be.’ This protective mechanism helps you feel like you are part of something bigger. In the internet age, you will spend a lot of time online researching and exploring what other people believe and what the collective dream of the current generation is about.

You often have alternative beliefs or spirituality that you keep a secret from your family and friends. You actually like to keep your genuine opinions private unless you feel safe to share them. You can also rely on older mentors to help you out and seek teachers wherever you go.

This Jupiter is fortunate in having people secretly say good things about you, which gives you a career boost from behind the scenes. For example, an older mentor may push others to hire you or give you a scholarship. This happens only if you use Jupiter to be of service. This means you need to stay humble and always show kindness to strangers. The strangers will actually end up pushing you forward in society. You can also benefit by being seen helping, teaching, and guiding others. If life is hard, please try and seek the option to shine in these roles and make sure that you do so “in secret.” This Jupiter shines when it keeps to the behind-the-scenes arena.

Jupiter here is also very moral and very aware of any injustice. There can be a tendency to help those in isolation because you know how they feel. You seek society’s underdogs because they make you feel at home in the strange land or modern life. You can perhaps efficiently work at a prison, a psychiatric hospital, an ashram, or a faraway land.

In fact, Jupiter in the 12th house often moves far, far away…And gains success in a culture that is overseas. They often feel that they can be honest about their aspirations only in another country. They also do very well living in peaceful surroundings and places of knowledge. That is why universities, labs and religious institutions attract them. However, they often hide their abilities and it is not easy for people to see how much the Jupiter in the 12th house knows. The aspects to Jupiter will show how they can express it best.

Jupiter here is wise. These people are always intelligent and cultured. The 12th house is the house ‘beyond life,’ and these people carry a lot of knowledge that is impossible to explain. If they are visionary (Neptune-Moon), they can predict the future. If they are smart (Jupiter-Mercury), they can teach spiritual topics or philosophy. If they are joyful (Jupiter-Venus), they attract money and love. If they are hardworking but optimistic (Jupiter-Saturn), they become leaders and scientists. If they are rebellious (Jupiter-Uranus), they become political activists. If they are open-minded dreamers (Jupiter-Neptune), they become rock stars and artists.

In fact, ALL Jupiter in the 12th house people are very non-judgmental. They tend to have an open mind about most topics and they cultivate acceptance and curiosity. They tend to observe situations and people before making a moral judgment. However, they lack boundaries for their vision, which can sometimes make them impractical or too generous. Learning how to filter their personal vision and the vision of the mob can be a challenge. If they spend a lot of time learning alone, they can achieve confidence. However, if they spend a lot of time online or in a spiritual community, they can become drained. Therefore, they need to balance their personal vision with the collective mob. This is hard because they want to expand their vision and don’t mind adding other people to their dream. For example, they may seek to solve a social issue and have a clear plan for how it can be done, but they become confused if society doesn’t want it. That is why time alone is crucial for Jupiter in the 12th house person to reconnect to their inner vision and voice without the chatter of society.

The best way to describe the Jupiter in the 12th house would be Carl Jung’s description of Ni:

Introverted intuition apprehends the images which arise from the a priori, i.e. the inherited foundations of the unconscious mind.

The Jupiter in the 12th house have an inner vision they inherited and it is based on the collective baggage of images, dreams, ideas and beliefs of all human kind.

These archetypes, whose innermost nature is inaccessible to experience, represent the precipitate of psychic functioning of the whole ancestral line or pooled, experiences of organic existence in general, a million times repeated, and condensed into types…

They do not always know how to put that information into action or what it means. They just know something without knowing why or how.

Since the unconscious is not just something that lies there, like a psychic caput mortuum, but is something that coexists and experiences inner transformations which are inherently related to general events, introverted intuition, through its perception of inner processes, gives certain data which may possess supreme importance for the comprehension of general occurrences: it can even foresee new possibilities in more or less clear outline, as well as the event which later actually transpires. Its prophetic prevision is to be explained from its relation to the archetypes which represent the law- determined course of all experienceable things.

They can see the future and how events unfold but they can also make mistakes because they are so impacted by the fears, events and feelings of humankind. That is why they need to isolate. They can also connect one idea or vision to all the other visions and make it make sense. This makes them amazing researchers, scientists and politicians. However, the data can sometimes be too foggy to relate to people so they prefer ABSTRACT communication like art and metaphor.

These people are prophets with shifting visions and deep insights that come from beyond. They are here to teach us.

Famous Jupiter in the 12th house natives are visionary, artistic and can get the crowd to share in their strange dreams:

Venus in Taurus Principles

What a beautiful Venus she is! She is the queen of the forest, sitting on her green throne, surrounded by blooming flowers and the promise of summer fruit.

  • Skip for Venus in Taurus songs and movies.

This Venus is so fascinating in how feminine and firm, solid and principled she is. She is not soft like Venus in Cancer, nor swift like her Gemini sister. No, she is the queen of nature with her head held high and eyes wide open. Venus in Taurus is symbolic of new life and spring. She promises something good to come as the months turn warm. As such, her color is green and her nature is abundant with the promise of enjoyable summer months, delicious fruit, fresh water and the birth of animals. The spring began with her younger sister Venus in Aries, symbolizing vitality and the seed of life. But without Venus in Taurus, those seeds will never bloom and turn into something solid and worthy. As such, the greatest gift of Venus in Taurus is to take what is still new and tend to it until it turns into a solid form. She is connected to her roots and the earth and this gives her the strength and patience to grow diamonds out of rubble.

You see…Venus in Taurus becomes very sad when she has no materials to solidify into something beautiful. It is not that she wants riches and mountains of material things…Those are static and worthless to her. Instead, she wants something that is good at its core (seed) which she can turn into beautiful and life-giving objects. The principle of life guides her to only enjoy that which has good quality, good genetics, suitable materials and long-lasting form. She would not be happy with the treasures given to her unless she could do something more with them. Therefore, expensive objects and “expensive” people offer her no value on their own. For you see…Her shadow side is the sign of Scorpio and secretly, she is driven by the need to transform. She wants to allow her willpower to play upon a person, an object or an idea until it becomes something with a beating heart. She hates plastic. She hates fakes. She will not enjoy living in a gilded cage.

Her love of comfort and beauty may propel her to accept an easy life but she will not be satisfied. The shadow of Scorpio would rear its dangerous head to possess what she does not own. She would realize that all the easy riches and people in her life do not belong to her and she cannot make them grow into something natural. Natural like what? You may ask. Well, natural like love and the divine. To her, noting is beautiful unless it can also offer the experience of nature in all its glory. She will be a miserable queen living in a cold frozen castle. And so, you see many women with Venus in Taurus working hard, building businesses and caring for their families. They are least likely to stay home and not work and least likely to marry early.

Taurus-Scorpio conflict, between spring and winter, life and death.

A contradiction! You may think. Isn’t Venus in Taurus the most feminine of them all? Shouldn’t she, in fact, have no trouble in love? Oh, but she does have trouble. She wants to find a balance between luxury and heart, quality and comfort, long-lasting and natural…How can she have no trouble in a world that places no value on that which takes time?
She doesn’t want to receive easy gifts or a life partner who falls at her feet. This may seem too suspicious to her. If Saturn aspects her heart (Venus), he will prefer durability and maturity over empty promises. If Neptune plays her strings, she may become the elusive promise herself a princess of beauty and dreams no man can ever touch. But remember, she is a survivor and to some extent, would not be able to walk away if a spider caught her in is a trap. She may be late to marry but also late to walk away. Why is that? Well, her job is to make things grow and growth requires stages and time. Will a gardener abandon his tree before it brings fruit? It goes against the nature of things. Venus in Taurus works only according to the rules of nature. She likes growth and endings are her greatest fear. However, secretly the ability to walk away and start over belongs to her. She needs to view the process of leaving a bad relationship, job, and lifestyle…As a form of growth and transformation. She can draw on the power of Scorpio to hold her head high and walk away to find more fertile earth for her dreams.

This all comes down to Venus in Taurus finding value in herself. This may become her greatest struggle because in some ways, she cannot separate her own value from that which she owns. She is the principle of life, which makes it hard for her to see where she fits in the web of all other living creatures. Something about her is so connected to the beating heart of nature that she does not always recognize the destructive side of it. It will take time for her to see that nature can also be cruel and so can be people.

You see…She is naïve at heart and cannot imagine that even ugly things are not in fact, beautiful in potential. As a child, she is love, but she is a hard mountain as an adult. She fears losing her security and even more she fears that her own ability to love will come to an end. Only when she learns to care for herself in small gentle ways will she start to love herself with the same open heart and warm hands that she came into the world with. For she is warm, sensual and kind…Even her cruelty is somewhat beautiful in the way a storm or a volcano can be. It does not last and she would always prefer to build something over the option to destroy. This makes her vulnerable but also stubborn…Her voice always whispers that life needs to go on and there is no other option. Nature never stops even if it rains.
Her instinct is to enjoy life and gather new resources to she grow in her hands. Thus, she naturally attracts comforts, beautiful objects and even people. Her life, even in poverty, is somehow surrounded by a whisper of graceful poetry and the riches long gone. She stands there like a queen taken down from her throne, her silk dress torn apart into little strings of silver and gold. Yet, she stands as proud and as natural…She is a queen even if you take it all from her. Why? Because her pride and power rest not on her comforts and riches but on her ability to give value and beautify. She is the type of woman who can make a broken home fill with cozy light and the aromas of a good meal. She is the life-giver, which makes her superior to anyone who attempts to put her down.
How can anyone compete? She is not reliant on anyone or anything. She only expresses life as it runs through her. And sometimes life is bloody and dangerous and painful…But it is still only an expression that is a season. She the Taurus woman knows that seasons come and go, which makes her wise and old and sometimes tired.
Her greatest pride is her family and children. She is the type to be humble about everything else. She has so much comforts in her life because she knows how to enjoy them to the last drop. She is the type of eat the one piece of chocolate and savor it. She is the type to stop on her walk home to take in the wind or the changing weather. Her sensitivity to life is also so sensitive to change…So she enjoys it all while it lasts. Even the hardest to please Venus in Taurus is a grateful one. Her gratitude towards life and pleasure attracts more comforts into her life. She should never be bitter because she was made to enjoy with all her senses.
Fear of endings and not having enough make her weak and child-like. Her maturity is strange because it is not based on giving or taking…It is based on the ability to just be and appreciate life. When she is happy, people around her are more real and solid…They become solid and present in their bodies. She is the type to talk into the room and everyone can suddenly taste their food with greater sharpness and hear the music as if it was louder. This is her magic and she gives it for free…When she happy. Therefore, her prime role is to find her inner comfort and stay within it. The gifts she bestows on other people will follow.
She should never aim to prove her worth to anyone. It would be a ridiculous thing to do. Her value is self-sustained.

Moonstruck (1988) is a romantic comedy starring Cher (Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon) and Nicholas Cage (practically. Capricorn/Saturn ruled). The comedy is not only hilarious and warm with a. focus on family and several generation but embodies the transformation of Taurus and finding love later in life.

The dark side of Taurus is best described in Lilly Allens song The Fear. Mindless consumption, plastic, desire for fame and money…All of which are social issues that the Venus in Taurus principle reflects back times four. The hungry Scorpio shadows Taurus and hides the need for real quality love.

I wanna be rich and I want lots of money
I don’t care about clever I don’t care about funny
I want loads of clothes and I want loads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find themAnd I’ll take my clothes off and it will be shameless
‘Cause everyone knows that’s how you get famous
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
We’re on the right track, yeah, I’m on to a winnerI don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
And I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cause I’m being taken over by the fear

Lilly Allen used to work as a florist, Taurus Sun, Libra Moon.

Another singer that exemplfies the critique of Venus in Taurus is Lana Del Ray a native Venus in Taurus:

I want money, power and glory
I want money and all your power, all your glory
Alleluia, I wanna take you for all that you got
Alleluia, I’m gonna take them for all that they got

Venus in Taurus, Leo Moon
Juliette Binoche and Johnny Depp both Venus in Taurus natives in the most Taurus movie ever made Chocolate (2000).

“I sell dreams, small comforts, sweet harmless temptations to bring down a multitude of saints crashing among the hazels and nougatines” 
― Joanne Harris

Actress Liv Tyler, Venus-Mars in Taurus in 11th house.

“I like creating beauty out of scary things.”

How to find the best career in your natal chart? A Scorpio Case

What career do you see here?

Is it possible for an astrologer to tell what career would suite you? Yes! Today I will show you how it can be done. Contrary to some circulating beliefs the entire chart needs to be considered to reach any conclusions. It does not make sense to only consider the 6th and 10th house or several aspects and reach a verdict. You want the person to be happy and to thrive at work but life is complex…Sometimes what brings a person the most money is not the best job for them and vice versa – their dream job may make them happy but not pay the rent. The work of the astrologer is always nuanced and requires finding solutions for all the complexities of an individual person. So, step number one would be to take into account that you are a unique human being and you need to make choices. You need to really define what the goal is and what comes first in your life. The second step is going to be reading your natal chart.

Below I outline a simplified but very efficient way you can do this. I am using a random natal chart as an example for this process. Please take into account that in a “real” reading many more details and considerations are required during the process. 

“Who am I in the world?” This step requires looking at your natal chart as a whole. Are the planets located below or above the horizon? Is there a stellium that stands out? What about the chart ruler? Where is the Sun located?

These questions can give you a general direction about your personality type. In the chart we are looking at today we can note that the person has a Scorpio stelium in conjunction with Pluto that effects both the first and second house. This alone already tells us this is a person with strong will-power, opinions and ambition. They are also very connected to their desires and physical body. This is not a person who would be happy to be lazy or in service to something they do not feel passion towards. Even their Moon is ruled by Mars – the traditional ruler of Scorpio. The Moon is in Aries points to a very powerful impact of Mars/Pluto on their sense of Self. When a stellium is strong we can always note the opposite house of the individual. The 8th/9th house opposite Scorpio tells us this person is forced to grow via crisis and change. Gemini on the cusp would suggest that changes are swift and often hard to predict. It also tells us changes in their life can relate to information (Mercury). For example, they may be going on their marry way in life only to receive sudden news or gossip that changes everything…They can attract information about upcoming changes.

This theme requires the person to have a certain flexible nature about them. They learn to react fast to change and to continue on their journey. They know hardships and change. They also have lot of energy that needs outlet.  This person is not only very energetic but very sensitive and reactive. The Moon in Aries would add child-like energy and passion but also a hyper sensitivity to certain things. The Moon is on the descendent so we can say they are very sensitive and drained by the emotional demands of other people. They would prefer to take action than to sit through painful emotional displays. 

We can also note this person has Libra ascendant opposite their Aries Moon which adds inner conflict regarding how they relate their own fiery will-power to the needs of others or to the requirements society makes of them.  

We can also note this person is charismatic, attractive and makes an impact when they enter a room. This quick overview allows us to consider who we are dealing with and what type of career direction can suite them. So, for example, at this point we can say this person needs a job that is not boring, requires a lot of energy and taking action and allows them independence so they can express their strong will-power. The Libra ascendant tells us that they may use diplomacy and charm to win people to their cause…Not that they are soft and unyielding in personality. This means that although they are very good at getting along with people using nuanced and behind the scenes actions (Venus in Scorpio, Moon on Descendent ) – it drains them and is not their natural personality expression. 

However, it is too early to make any verdicts about the best job for this Scorpio. Time for step number two.

What am I into?” This part is where you ask yourself what interests you have and what gets you working. The chart we are looking at today is of a Plutonic personality. Because even Venus here is in Scorpio, we can safely say that we should be looking at Mars as the prime motivator of the individual. If the person had a different chart, we may have needed to look at another planet. Pluto is conjunct Mercury which rules their Mars in Gemini. We can therefore say their work motivation is related to: Being in charge of change, crisis, important secrets, physical work with sharp tools, mechanics, risk taking around important papers and contracts.

Mercury/Mars in impact can rule not only sharp tools or secret documents but also the physical body and breathing. This tells us that…The person can work somewhere where having a commanding voice is of merit. 

We can note that Mars does not make direct contact with their Scorpio Self at all. Instead, Mars is part of a grand-trine. This configuration reflects talents they have and can always count on. Because they are a ‘Plutonic’ personality we absolutely want to lean on any strengths and easy support we can find in the chart. The reason we are doing this step and looking at easy aspects is because we want to find positive support.  I encourage you to not neglect the talents you are gifted with (undeveloped they may be). Many times, astrologers over-focus on the hard aspects people have and sort of assume the easy aspects will come through. The reality is that “easy aspects” suck. People tend to ignore what they are born with and become over focused on their problems and trauma. This is especially true for people who tend to encounter the pain of Pluto and Saturn. The natal chart below is of a person who knows that life is about survival. Scorpio is always fearful and with such a stellium in the 1/2nd house they will be hyper aware of any dangers. However, they have a wonderfully supported Mars (the traditional ruler of Scorpio) that can give clues to how they get outside the mode of “life is hard” and find their passion in life. In addition, we can say this person would not want a boring job and their work needs to have energy to it. Mars in Gemini confirms this observation which we already made in step one. 

Gemini thrives on something dynamic, flexible, fast paced, exciting, interesting and youthful. Mars is also a “young” and playful planet and it rules the Aries Moon. We can confirm that our person needs a job that is flexible and dynamic. We can also suggest they need the option to change pace at work and do something different every day. The Scorpio stellium tells us that not only must the job be dynamic and fast but the stakes must be high to keep them interested. This means they must feel they are overcoming mountains and challenges. This is a person who would be super successful at navigating high stakes and risks. They would not do as well if they had to sit in peace and push papers. Scorpio/Aries needs not only risks but fast results. They will not wait for their project to be done over months and months. They would rather be unemployed.

We can conclude the job needs high risk management, fast results, interesting daily activity and the option to be flexible and change the pace if they get tired. Why? Because this person has a Libra ascendant and a Moon opposite it. They would work to death if people demand it but they will burn out fast. The Gemini Mars confirms the need for a “work hard play hard” type of career. Earth signs can sustain energy for a long time but fiery Plutonic types tend to work better in short bursts of intense energy.

See? Already we know the type of careers we can discount for this individual and what makes them successful. Step 3 will require a deeper look into the exact profession they can choose. 

We can next note the individual has Saturn conjunct their IC and square Aries Moon/7th house. We can say that the person had one or two parents who held authority and were rather strict. We can also say that expressing emotions in an open way was not something they could do at home. Saturn makes us mature in positive ways but also shows our fears. Here the person is very fearful of enticing negative reactions from people. They often had to deal with negative emotion and passive-aggressive anger from their family. As a result, they became stoic and learned that by showing less emotion (Saturn) they could avoid the volcano and onslaught of other people’s needy reactions (Moon).  

There is a lot more to be said about this aspect but for our purposes we can say this person learned to restrain their emotional needs. Saturn offers much needed discipline and structure to their expression and it adds clues about ways to direct their will-power. Mars/Pluto in and of itself can lack stamina and works in short-term explosions of energy. It is also not so good at sports or anything to do with physical discipline over long periods of time. Saturn here offers our strong Scorpio much needed maturity and ability to stay focused. At the same time, it tells us they better build a strong foundation they can stand on. They need their own home and sense of security to help offset the negative reactions of others. Saturn squares are very common in charts of people who take the hardest jobs like emergency doctors, first responders and criminal profilers etc.

The 6th house here is also ruled by Mars which once again points towards a career that must relate to crisis and fast-paced response. I would also consider the Neptune/Uranus in Capricorn in the 3rd (Gemini) to suggest that our Scorpio wants to be of service via the information they give to others.  The MC is ruled by Aries Moon on the DSC which once again tells us they need to share information with a lot of people. Cancer is about crowds and relating to the emotions of society. The Gemini influence on all the Mars/Pluto ruled planets in the natal chart relates to having a voice and being heard.

The Scorpio stellium is square Leo Jupiter in the 10thhouse which tells us they must be on some sort of stage or out in public solving a crisis or preaching to people about something to do with: Power, survival, broken social values, fears, trauma and even corrupt government structures. The Moon on the DSC tells us they will be impacting the emotions of people who are in danger of some sort but they do so by moving through/communicating in hard situations. They will also need the diplomacy of Venus to get the job done and the control of Saturn to avoid their own emotions on the job. The key components of their career are: 

They have a dangerous dynamic job, they have a voice, they are heard by a large audience, they are communicating about something that needs fixing, they control their emotions, they are famous for taking risks, they help people by being of service with their information, they entice the emotions of anger, fear and justice in other people. 

Best career?

War Correspondent 

Government Reporter

Business Risk Manager

Emergency Management Policy Advisor

Moon in Sagittarius: Traveler, Spy, Hero

How is freedom measured, in individuals as in nations? By the resistance which has to be overcome, by the effort it costs to stay aloft. One would have to seek the highest type of free man where the greatest resistance is constantly being overcome: five steps from tyranny, near the threshold of the danger of servitude.– Friedrich Nietzsche, Sagittarius Moon conjunct North Node.

The number one thing to say about the Sagittarius Moon is that they are intelligent and curious people. The Moon in this sign is somewhat detached from emotional involvement but very lively and energized to explore the world. For the Sagittarius Moon familiarity breeds contempt and new adventures equal the promise of true love around the corner.
Jupiter the planet of ‘other horizons’ rules their emotional instincts and makes them very open-minded and aware of the vast amount of cultures, religions, strange people and ideas that await them.

The Sagittarius Moon thrives on learning what they like and believe over time. They dislike being told what to do and are independent thinkers who are always searching for something new. The need for open possibilities is something they need to be happy and stable. They despise feeling trapped or like there’s no future ahead and they do not like people putting them in a box or demanding that they conform to a system of rules.
That said, Sagittarius Moons tend to have unyielding principles that they will not move from no matter what. They may seem flexible because they are always willing to learn and talk to people. Curiously, others may find them to be very changeable in their ideas and almost too open-minded. However, in reality, the Sagittarius Moon does not move away from the core beliefs they develop and tend to stick to individualistic life philosophy with passionate loyalty. It is not uncommon for them to be spiritual, religious or related to a community of political thinkers. They are most likely to choose either anarchy or conservative values that they reinvent to fit their dream of utopia.

For this Moon, having a very well-defined life-path brings a sense of optimism and peace. They tend to choose a teacher o figure that they admire and learn from. This can make some of these Moon’s are somewhat susceptible to cults, political conspiracies or mystical practices. They must remember that they cannot be free if they rigidly follow someone else. Thankfully, personal freedom matters to them and so they usually break away from dogma and authority. They have a dream of an open road that they can travel over until they find their dream home. They desire a home full of foreign guests, friends, and fiery, dramatic lovers who surround them with humor and warmth.

This Moon dislikes heavy emotional displays or irrational people but it is very tolerant of anyone from a different background. They tend to collect the most curious and sometimes ‘manic’ friends around them. Friends that become romantic partners are common for this Moon and their contra part the Gemini Moon. They tend to value their friends over their biological families or even romantic partners (unless Pluto is involved). This is not because they are heartbreakers by nature but because they view all of humanity as their community and family. As a result, people tend to find them very friendly, approachable and fun to be around. They are the type of friends that would lift your spirit and make jokes that break the ice in the room. This leads me to point out that the Sagittarius Moon has no filter over their self-expression and can say and do outrageous things. Don’t be fooled by the clown they play because inside hides an old wise magician who is busy making anthropological notes about your reaction to their humor and actions. They tend to value authentic self-expression over being polite which some people can find offensive. There is something about bending the rules using emotional-expression that this Moon finds appealing and even valuable. The way they do this will vary on their chart and the Jupiter placement; it can vary from making pranks to writing serious books about society. Whatever they publish tends to have a unique set of rules that people can follow to better their life. That is because at heart this Moon wants to learn and teach others how to be happy and fearless. Secretly, they harbor many fears and worries about achieving the future they want. Much of that fear is related to being trapped in a cage (office, job, marriage, location) that will swallow their fire and make them into robots. To some extent, this fear is very justified because this Moon does not thrive in confinement or when they cannot have the option to grow. They need to find a career and relationship that offers them movement, growth and constant learning. This does not mean they must travel or always change jobs but they need to find a path that allows them to always incorporate new ideas and skills. The Sagittarius Moon is the archetype of the ENFP in MBTI and they do make excellent salesmen, teachers, brand-mangers and entrepreneurs. Many have lucky breaks and sudden growth spurts that lead them to success and even fame.
That said, the flip side of this Moon can appear almost too dark compared to their bright, optimistic light. “The dark side of the Moon” applies here very strongly. They tend to suffer from disillusionment when they become stuck or when their high hopes prove too far from reaching. People who are not close to them will not always notice this because the Sagittarius Moon may become even more busy, excited, sleepless and workaholic when they feel down. They tend to become very nervous and over-excited physically to the point of agitation. They will speak very fast and avoid sleep. Their mind tends to almost burn out with potential solutions and ideas that prevent them from resting. Impulsive behaviors and emotional over-spending can happen during very hard periods of life. Some of the extreme cases tend to adopt a very dogmatic point of view and start preaching their truth. The worst-case scenario of this Moon involves leading cults and political revolts. The sad aspect of this extreme case is that this Moon genuinely believes they are saving the world. Maybe sometimes they are.
The shadow side of Sagittarius is Gemini (Mercury), so if they don’t deal with their emotions, they will suffer nervousness and anxiety. They should also avoid overloading on information that is not helpful or fear-based. The Sagittarius Moon needs to be surrounded by optimistic people who don’t complain too much. They can also get out of a depressive episode by traveling and writing about the experience. Many are very gifted with words and can actually use that to change their own thoughts at will. Positive affirmations have a very healing effect on this Moon (unlike with water moons who tend to thrive on expressing their negative emotions).

To feel secure and safe, this Moon needs to plan for the future they want. The dream needs to be very vivid and exciting. If they feel there are losing their adventuress spirit, they can do something small to ‘break the rules’ and change their routine. Physical activity and also tends to inspire them with confidence. If they feel lazy, they can imagine that the sport they are learning will serve them on a trip or to survive the upcoming zombie uprising. Whatever they imagine needs to be fun and somewhat out of the ordinary.
This Moon also tends to love music and even the rhythm of the dance. At heart, they imagine the tribe of humanity around a warm fire, listening to stories and planning the hunt. They are the shaman or the cave artist who teach the tribe how to rise above their physical hunger and fear. This spirit allows this Moon to make wise choices and to control its emotional fire until it burns away any obstacle on the vast open road.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

-Albert Einstein, Sagittarius Moon in the 6th house.

Moon in Scorpio Children 

The Moon is our inner intuitive, unconscious and reactive self. The Moon more than any other planet, is tied to how we feel safe and secure in the world. It is also the most helpless part of ourselves and embodies lessons we learned in infancy before we could speak. A good understanding of the natal Moon can provide you with tools that finally bring you out of a state of helplessness and defeat to a sense of maturity and independence. 

If you were born with the Moon in Scorpio, you have learned early in life that the world is unsafe and full of dangers lurking under the surface. You may have learned that survival is important from your mother, who had to go through some form of ‘survival’ before you were born or in her own family relationships. The mother is usually a fighter for her children and their security. Often, the mothers of Scorpio Moon children struggled with making sure the basic needs for security, food and shelter are being met. As a result, the sense of ‘fight and flight’ is a deep part of the inner world of the Scorpio Moon child. The part of the brain that reacts to danger tends to be most active.

In some cases, the survival instinct of the Scorpio Moon is related to dark secrets in the family dynamics that impact how much the mother feels secure. It is also no uncommon for the birth itself to be somewhat traumatic or involve medical intervention. However, even with the fear lurking around Scorpio Moon children they also learn deep attachment very early. This is not surprising because infants are completely dependent on their caregivers for survival. The infant must bond with the adults around them to meet their needs. Scorpio Moon children are by nature very attuned to the needs of others because they feel that their survival depends on it. 

That is not to say they do not experience real love and care from their caregivers – they do. The mother tends to be passionately focused on the needs of the child. However, Scorpio Moon children often feel like their physical needs are the prime focus. The parents can focus on feeding them, clothing them or making sure they are healthy and safe. In the process, the emotional needs of this sensitive Moon can become neglected and eventually concealed. The stereotype of the Scorpio Moon as “secretive’” is somewhat disingenuous to their true nature which is raw and terribly honest. The concealment of their needs and true thoughts is a learned behavior.

The Scorpio Moon child starts out completely open to receive all signals from the world around it with no filter. They tend to pick up on the fears and worries of the adults with a unique sensitivity that they feel in their bodies. This is why Scorpio Moon children who do not learn to deal with their emotions tend to suffer from anxiety or nightmares. The worst thing you can tell a Scorpio Moon child is that “everything is ok” when they clearly feel their heart hammering in their chest. Sadly, many Scorpio Moon children learn to ignore their emotions and hide them even from their own conscious minds. It is very important that the adults around them tell them to articulate how they feel with words and teach them to respect their emotions. Some Moon signs thrive on playful distractions and games, but the Scorpio moon needs to feel involved in the family issues or they become fearful. If a crisis is happening in the house, it is a good idea to involve the Scorpio Moon in the solution. They need to feel involved in the dangers around them to feel secure. This means that if the parents are going through a hard time financially, it is better to tell the child that is the case and show them what steps are being taken to make things better. If one of the parents feels sad and angry, they should admit it to the Scorpio moon child and show them ways to cope with negative emotions. Otherwise the child will start to to second-guess they intuition and mistrust it.

Scorpio Moon children are actually very easy to appease with honesty and when you show a sense of competency. They do not like being treated as immature and like they are incapable of understanding the complexities of the adult world. They are also right not to tolerate such treatment because they can see behind the veil and intuit what the adults are feeling.

The adults around them may find it somewhat intimidating that the child knows so much and sometimes makes remarks about the true nature of their issues and fears. This ‘fear’ the adults feel around the Scorpio Moon child can be exceedingly hurtful because it signals to the child that something is wrong with them. The parents must show they value the Scorpio Moon’s insights. The Scorpio Moon child might blurt secrets that they shouldn’t but they should never be punished for doing what they naturally do best.

A Scorpio Moon child is a blessing to any family in many ways. Through them, the adults become aware of the wounds and skeletons in the closet and the hidden strengths they have to rise above their circumstances. The complicated family history would always be a theme in any home the Scorpio Moon is born into- but also would be the power, strengths and ambition of the family members. It is not uncommon for the Scorpio Moon child to be born into a poor family that becomes rich or a wounded family that becomes strong. They have a secret role in making things like that happen.

The women in the child’s family would tend to be influential figures who overcame many challenges. The men, too, can be fighters and athletes who teach the child how to win. The siblings of the Scorpio Moon tend to be very important, although the relationship with them can often be somewhat complex.
The Scorpio Moon needs to feel safe above all else. They have a storm inside of them that is composed of the fears of all the adults around them. They are too young to know that their worries are sometimes unrelated to real threats. They need to learn skills to articulate their fears and to respect them as valid. Otherwise, they will start to conceal their feelings from everyone – including themselves. They should also learn grounding techniques like breathing and meditation early on to feel secure even when their bodies react to danger. The adults can learn a lot from this child if they only stop and listen. If the adults fear the Scorpio Moon child, there is something for them to bring out of the shadows. This little sage with large all-knowing eyes is a blessing and a beauty to behold. They will make sure all the darkness comes out and turns into light.

Can your natal chart show if you are an extrovert or an introvert?

 The simple answer would be yes and, in this post, I will show you some quick hacks into reading natal charts from this perspective.  The reason this can matter is that we want to know what gives you energy and keeps you balanced as a person. We need to know what needs to be balanced before looking deeper into the natal chart to see the how to actually improve your life. First, let us define what extroversion and introversion even is. Simply speaking, it has to do with orientation towards the world. Are you looking inward and then outward or are you looking outward and there inward? 

Extroversion in a person would be defined as being energized by interaction with people and the external objective world. In contrast, introversion would be defined as being energized by time alone and interaction with an internal subjective world. Very few people fall neatly into one of these categories because there is a spectrum of being an introvert or an extrovert. It is also important to note that this has nothing to do with how shy or sensitive you are. If you are an outgoing person, you can still be an introvert if your prime focus is your internal system of feelings, values and dreams. As far as sensitivity goes, we can also note that some people are sensitive to sensual stimuli like sounds or scents and others are sensitive to someone acting against a value they hold dear. These are both sensitivities but they are oriented towards different things. So, how can you see if someone is primarily an introvert or an extrovert in their natal chart?  I tend to follow a simple three step analysis. I always start with the ascendant -descendant axis to see how people feel and interact with the world. The Ascendant would indicate YOU and the descendant would indicate WORLD. Psychologically, they are both actually part of your psyche and tend to play a game of push and pull or shadow and light. In a natal chart reading this would be the prime consideration but, in a personality reading it would matter far less. Let me give you an example that might surprise you…Virgo ascendant. Most people would think this person seems very reserved, shy, serious, analytical and probably an introvert. However, you need to remember that they have Pisces as their filter for WORLD. Therefore, these people are very open towards taking in the world around them and very open towards experience. Pisces has zero filter about what it takes into itself and this makes the person truly open-minded and yes, an extrovert. Now, you might say this doesn’t make sense and indeed if we stop here is makes no sense to label every Virgo ascendant an extrovert. Our next step would be to look at the ruler of their Ascendant and its location. The ruler of Virgo, Mercury in the very private sphere of the 4th house is very different to a Mercury in the social 11th house. The location of the ruler of your chart therefore would point to your orientation outward or inward. 

What is the next step to see if you are an introvert or extrovert? I would look at your Moon and see what are the basic needs that are non-negotiable and this includes sign AND house. It is also very important to look at rulerships to really get a better picture. 

who is thinking by looking inwards and who is speaking by looking outwards? 😉

To make the process easier let us consider some real-life examples:

Bill Gates natal chart

Bill Gates was born under a late Cancer Ascendant so Saturn (Capricorn) rules his perception of the world. This itself shows someone who is oriented towards their values, emotions and needs and wants to protect their inner vision from the hard and difficult outer world. This person sees the world as a place to be impacted by his own personal vision because Saturn is in Scorpio in the 5th house. Bill therefore is oriented inwards in order to transform (Scorpio) the world (Saturn) with his creative vision (5th house). Bill’s chart ruler the Moon is in the sign of Aries in the 10th house. Mars ruler of his Moon is in the fourth house together with Mercury which indicates a lot of inner introspection about ideas that form his need to act (Mars). We can also note Bill’s Sun is conjunct Neptune but square Uranus on his ascendant. He may be very good at knowing what other people need and want but his inner self stays hidden/private.

Verdict? Introvert!

Bill Gates is very in touch with the masses because Moon is conjunct his MC. He can extrovert his grand ideas (Uranus rising) but he is motivated by inner values and feelings (Moon ruled by a 4th house Mars). In MBTI typing I would say he has dominant introverted thinking and a large vision composed of future orientation (Uranus, Sun-Neptune) so a strong intuitive function right there! People tend to type him as ENTJ which can indeed fit in some ways but I would go with INTP based on this chart. I don’t see the ENTJ at all here. 

Steve Jobs natal chart

Let us try another example: Steve Jobs. Is he an introvert or an extrovert? Jobs is a Virgo ascendant so already my prior example of extroverted orientation towards the world applies. His Mercury is in Aquarius in the 5th house which shows a strong tendency towards social self-expression- a person who wants to play the eccentric in the group and be noticed (Leo rules the 5th house). He has a rather weak Aries Moon the 7thhouse so once again very inclined towards taking action towards people or towards leading people. The ruler of his 5th house is conjunct Uranus and in the very public 10 house.

Verdict? Extrovert!

A very creative, theatrical person with strong leadership abilities and not very in touch with his inner emotions or even who he is. The weak Sun/Moon is indicative of someone who takes action and thinks later. It also suggests he is very defined by the public for better and for worse. In MBTI terms I see strong extroverted sensing and weak introverted feeling. Steve Jobs is probably an ENTJ (leader, not feeler). I hope this was a helpful brief overview of how I analyze basic personality traits in a chart.

What is your personality type? 

Composite Moon conjunct Uranus

When the sensitive Moon is conjunct Uranus in the composite chart the boundaries of familiarity between the couple, tend to dissolve easily. This aspect is very common among people who tend to become friendly and open with each other right away. As a result, this will be an exciting and often fun connection that feels like anything is possible. The obvious downside is that the two people don’t really know one another yet and the fast disclosure can make them feel vulnerable. There is something about Uranus that strips away the formality that is usually part of dating. In fact, all the outer planets tend to strip away the superficial aspects of our personalities so we gain a higher perspective. Pluto can strip flesh straight away to the bones of our fears and pain, meanwhile, Uranus can strip away the conventions and costumes we adopted in our lives. Because Uranus is all about the larger future-oriented meaning of things the couple can be completely uninterested in dealing with the boring domestic details of their lives or work. Instead, the Moon-Uranus couple would prefer visionary pursuits that make them feel alive and future-oriented. Tradition and convection tend to be something they are both redefining together in the relationship. It is therefore not fair to say that the couple doesn’t care about formality, culture, convention or traditional relationships! They care a lot about understanding and redefining the meaning of the unsaid rules of love and domesticity. Some couples can in fact, adopt “traditional rules” as a form of rebellion. I, therefore, disagree that Moon-Uranus is the unstable combination that it is often described as.

Independence is fun, especially when there’s a beloved waiting in the wings, and freedom makes you a more interesting person. Having separate lives brings fresh air into a relationship. –  Deborah Moggach

Moon-Uranus CAN create commitment problems but not because it fears commitment. The core problem with Moon-Uranus is the fast self-disclosure that tends to burn the couple out. We all have very vulnerable parts in our psyche that can’t survive being discovered so fast by a complete stranger. The Moon-Uranus couple becomes so excited about the relationship and finding a like-minded person. They tend to be very honest with one another even if it’s better to take some time before dropping the walls down. Emotional honesty is a wonderful thing for any relationship however Uranus is a visionary not an empath…The people can be honest about their emotions in an intellectual way that lacks the emotional intimacy that breeds trust. They can both feel like oversharing information and rushing the relationship. They just trust each other with no reason except for an elusive electric feeling that the person in front of them is a kindred spirit. They could be right! But many times, people end up feeling they said too much or jumped into living with someone before they really had the time to build trust through actions. I therefore suggest the Moon-Uranus couple does not assume that anything they share is appropriate. They both need to acknowledge that emotions are a vulnerable area of disclosure. If they want to share and envision what they have in common (which is always a lot) they can keep the topic intellectual and avoid secrets or personal history. If the Moon-Uranus couple manages to pass the sixth-month mark (or however long it takes) and are still as excited about their connection it is time to consider their personal habits. Moon rules our unconscious habits and also the feminine aspect of the relationship. Moon-Uranus suggest that the home would be a very energetic space where the individuality of the couple is important. The couple would want their daily lives to reflects their hobbies and ideals. They can also enjoy moving or changing their physical space so that something exciting to look forward to is always just around the corner. Ultimately Moon-Uranus suggests the couple is intelligent, high-minded and willing to grow. They can build a wonderful friendship and an interesting life that contributes to their community. The couple must always strive to see the bigger picture of their involvement with one another – it is never just about the couple but about their social role and mission. It is really important they remember that and not focus on personal weaknesses and vulnerabilities that are revealed too early. The couple needs to value their relationship as something unique and larger than life. Both people can do this if they value the individuality and equality of their partners. If they share hobbies and social causes of some sort, they can gain much harmony even in hard times. It is pointless to ever avoid a Moon-Uranus relationship but it works best when you just let t speak for itself without pre-written expectations. Enjoy the tremendous honesty and sense of excitement of this aspect because it can open you to a new expression of Self in relation to the world.

Moon conjunct Uranus in the Houses:

First House: The couple will be known as quirky and emotionally open. People would notice this couple right away and want to befriend them or argue with them. The couple can’t hide any conflicts or feelings they have from others. They are “cool.”

Second House: The couple makes money by channeling their excitement into a project. They will seek emotional stability through building something together that relates to their social values. They can feel that emotions are not reliable enough so they want to make something that lasts.

Third House: The couple is very youthful, friendly and curious. They like to share their ideas with others. They are very honest with people. They can be emotionally reactive when their opinions are challenged. The couple will also enjoy being verbally creative in how they express their emotions.

Fourth House: The couple creates its own mythical roots and sense of home that is based on their individual needs. There can be an unusual home or way of life. They can enjoy staying at home where their unique hobbies are explored. The home may have a lot of technology or group meetings.

Fifth House: The couple is playful and charismatic. They are very visionary and like to enjoy good parties and get togethers with those they love. They can have a unique attitude towards children that is very open and fun. They may find their own emotional reactions entraining or even funny.

Sixth House: This couple is all about being of service to their ideals and they can neglect their emotional needs for the sake of others. They can often need private time to sooth and recharge their energy which can be over extended.

Seventh House: This coupe attracts interesting people like a magnet. They see themselves as a team of weirdos or outsiders that are more talented together than alone. They can be very good journalists, interviewers or even politicians in social situations. They inspire people a lot.

Eighth House: This couple is all about all encompassing intimacy that often comes into conflict with them wanting to be separate and individualistic. They can be very magnetic because their bond tends to be felt by others on a visceral level that is “movie worthy.” They have to have common values so they don’t feel afraid of the level of vulnerability they have with each other.

Ninth House: This couple is very intelligent and amazingly capable of spreading their lessons to the public. They male like to change where they live or travel a lot. They tend to see their emotional bond as an unfolding teaching moment that they view with some philosophical detachment. They may like a house full of knowledge and learning and can even run a school of sorts.

Tenth House: This couple are are all about humanistic pursuits and leadership. They can be visionaries through media outlets or politics who try and reform the well being of women or anyone who feels like an outsider. They will need a project or common career goal to truly relate to each other. Taking time to reform their relationship is crucial even if hard.

Eleventh House: These are the truly famous couples who will collect groups around them. They can enjoy a sense of brotherhood and friendship that keeps the romance stable even when the spark is over.

Twelfth House: This couple needs to be very clear about their individual riles and needs before dissolving into each other. They can be greta healers, teachers and leaders of spiritual meaning.

Aspects will change the meaning of the Moon-Uranus position in the composite.

Venus in Capricorn: Vintage Heart

I’ve written a brief post about Venus in Capricorn before, but never a serious one (although Venus in Capricorn folks have taken it all with much somber seriousness). So here is the thing: There is a very high chance that if your Venus is in Capricorn, it is conjunct Uranus and Neptune. Hence it has a unique expression to anything you will read online. However, even if your Venus is adjusted by the expression of outer planets and other interesting factors- it is still ruled by Saturn.
This means your Venus is like a wine that gets finer with age. It is also a Venus that seeks mastery in various forms and this also applies to personal relationships. Your Venus wants to learn what structures, values and principles can best support achieving harmonious relationships and the pleasures of life. For you see, this is an indulgent position (followed only by Venus in Leo and Taurus)! Venus in Capricorn has a natural inclination towards structure (Saturn) and luxury (Venus). They, therefore, value anything that is well made and prefer quality over quantity. They can enjoy anything vintage because Saturn rules the past and tradition. In the past, things were made with great attention to durability, functionality, and quality. The preference for practicality and quality would be evident in the choices you make. Curiously, many Venus in Capricorn natives are skilled collectors of bags, shoes, vintage jewelry, historical artifacts and even furniture. At the same time, others may have a good feel for buying property that can become valuable over time. Home design and architecture are also popular careers for this Venus because they require long-term effort with material evidence to support the hard work. There is a general preference of this Venus to want to master something and achieve durability. This preference tends to color how Venus in Capricorn views their career, personal relationships and even their body. For example, some Venus in Capricorn natives turn their own body into the prime project of effort with varying in results. They can work out at the gym or go to various extremes to strengthen and perfect their physical abilities. Things go bad when this Venus is not oriented on self-mastery but instead seeks the approval of society. In fact, the biggest issue with Venus in Capricorn is attempting to gain social approval and status through their hard work or appearance. Saturn likes social status and authority and the natives naturally gravitate towards achieving power via their hard work. This makes them very dedicated to master skills and to better themselves but it can come at a price. It is important they know they are valuable regardless of social approval. A healthy Capricorn Venus develops skills and a distinct personal style that is above other people’s approval. They just want to be good at what they do so they can respect themselves and sleep at night. They want to live life as their own boss and without anyone telling them what to do. They can motivate themselves to work hard without a boss standing over their shoulder. In contrast, an unhealthy Venus in Capricorn can work itself into complete exhaustion and be troubled by constant performance anxiety. They will always seek the approval of authority figures to tell them they are worthy and beautiful. The most important thing is for them to develop independent values that shape their choices so that they are less likely to allow other people to define their worth. Success is something they want and are skilled at achieving and they need to trust they have what it takes to live life on their own terms. For you see: they are actually very stoic, independent and individualistic. Saturn is a mature planet and it can be very liberating. Yes! I said Saturn and liberating in the same sentence…But there is freedom in timelessness. The Venus in Capricorn can orient itself only on that which has been proven to be good and worthy over time…And develop a unique taste for life in the process. It won’t care as much what anyone else considers beautiful (unless it is insecure). Beauty would become that which is righteous and good! Morality becomes beautiful. A certain spirituality is indicated for this Venus because it values responsibility and action. This Venus would have a graceful disposition born from long-term cultivation of their own personality. They will polish their Self into the perfect timeless diamond until only the most beautiful parts remain. They need to respect themselves and to respect you.

“Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” 

― From Venus in Capricorn Fyodor Dostoevsky, 

In romantic relationships, Venus in Capricorn is all about long-term effort, durability, loyalty and investment. It tends to view people through the principle of value. When this principle is applied to relationships, the result is a person loyal to the people they find valuable or important regardless of whether the relationship seems fruitful or pleasurable. This can result in the Venus in Capricorn native staying in relationships that don’t serve them because they believe in the long and hard climb towards success. They can become too focused on a person’s future potential and invest too much time and effort into someone who is not good for them. They tend to find ambition very attractive but it can blind them from seeing the person is all talk and no action. That is if they are not too wounded by previous romantic relationships to the point of avoiding anyone who doesn’t meet a pre-set list of requirements. I personally think having a set of standards I good for this Venus- they should be clear about their expectations and not waste their time. So, what does Venus in Capricorn really enjoy and want? As with everything, they will gravitate towards a “quality” person. A person that has proven their skill or effort professionally is likely o be attractive. They are also very attracted to someone who can nurture them and help them relax after all their efforts. This is because of the principle of Cancer, the opposite sign to Capricorn. They want someone who is warm, can create a cozy atmosphere and nurture them. Nurture can come through, answering their physical needs or just offering general safety. A person who becomes their home is what they secretly crave. They are also very attracted to the idea of partnering with someone to build something lasting- be it a home, a family or a business. But it can time to win them over completely. Their stoic and independent nature can make them avoid jumping into anything that has not been proven yet but if the person is consistent and genuine, they will melt. You will see them enjoy the pleasures of a luxurious and enjoyable life that is the reward for all their efforts. They will love it if their partner seems very capable in some area. Better yet, if the person is not trying to show off and is just genuinely capable. Like all Earth Venus placements, there is a preference for authenticity over showmanship. Unless you are showing them off- they do enjoy your pride in them tremendously.
They don’t want something that glitters but something that lasts. That doesn’t mean they are not terribly romantic at heart because they do believe in creating something out of nothing and that requires a certain romantic streak- to believe that it is possible to build an empire out of thin air with the person you love is not for the faint of heart! They could have a fantasy of being kings or queens sitting at the throne with their loved one. They would find the image very attractive and something to strive for even if it requires great sacrifice. They want to build an empire and they want you to show them what skills you bring to the table to achieve this. Don’t try and impress them with words but with actions. Men with this placement would gravitate towards women who appear professional or have social status. for example, women who are natural-born socialites or even famous for an achievement. You often see them gravitate towards Leo or Libra women for this reason. Saturn also rules the bones so they tend to like thin and tall-looking women with sharp cheekbones. Women with this placement tend to embody the above-described archetype- they tend to be stylish, with a no-nonsense approach and a captivating air of authority. They can appear very formal or very laid back but usually have a good eye for expensive quality things or bargains. Some women become whatever society wants to see instead of developing the delicate personal style that this Venus is capable of.

The higher octave of Venus in Capricorn is all about giving structure to love so that it can flourish. The person would value self-improvement as a lifestyle and want to have relationships with people who can support that goal. These people are romantics at heart because they focus on improving their ability to love and be loved- they see it as a life project worthy of their ambition. They also tend to view love as something that is not about just them but part of social responsibility. For example, they can consider how their relationships relate to what their grandparents had to go through or how it will impact their future children. They can feel that whatever they achieve matters so much more when relating to their ancestors, family, or children. As a result, they are responsible and can put their playful and mischievous side to rest for the greater goal. In turn, this would allow them to choose a romantic partner through a prism based on personal responsibility. Don’t let them fool you- they take you seriously so don’t break their vintage heart.

Edward Snowden: The justice of coherence

“Study after study has show that human behavior changes when we know we’re being watched. Under observation, we act less free, which means we effectively *are* less free.”

What is Snowden doing on this Blog? For one his chart is very much Pluto heavy and the above quote was spoken like a true Scorpio Moon. Human behavior is interesting but what makes someone well known for what they have to say?

Edward Snowden is first and foremost FAMOUS. He may not like that one bit, but that is a fact. Famous for what? For uncovering and sharing information. This fits with his chart in which a Gemini Mercury (the message bearer and the Fool) is conjunct the ascendant. On the surface, it is clear from the natal chart. This person will be known due to what they will communicate to the world. A rising planet is our face to the world and if supported by outer planets, it brings some level of fame. A rising Mercury gives a person a youthful persona and appearance. A person who reads, travels and is always searching for new information. He likes the information to be fast and easy to digest. A rising Mercury would also give a remarkable ability to talk and communicate in a flexible manner. However, this is no regular Mercury rising person because his communication is expressed as a reaction to his heavy seventh house placements. Snowden’s Gemini Mercury is in opposition to Jupiter-Uranus in Sagittarius. What he says is all about what he sees outside of his perception. This is a very fascinating position because of how impersonal it may seem. The message of Mercury becomes motivated by the culture and society. Jupiter-Uranus is all about the collective ideals and the big ideas shaping our social institutions, political ideals and pop culture. In itself, Jupiter-Uranus would suggest a person with very innovative or progressive ideas that can be somewhat “over the top” in terms of shaking the status quo. Jupiter makes things big and is often found taking ideas to extreme conclusions that apply to EVERYONE. Jupiter in Sagittarius is society and the tribe. It is not the individual or the family. The mind is therefore geared towards applying concepts to the bigger picture. A very INTJ type of chart if you are into MBTI. Snowden may be aware that his discoveries and explorations can hold a very different meaning on a personal level. He would not be telling us what that meaning is. This position also suggests someone who is very future-oriented and cares more about tomorrow than today. In addition, the position of Jupiter in such close conjunction to Uranus suggests someone who wants to break down the accepted norms and regulations in order to get people to think for themselves. If Jupiter relates to politics and government law, then Uranus relates to technology and innovation. So politics and technology is the theme of his Gemini message. He could have been a good teacher in another life. In all lives, this is a chart of a philosopher. He is a person more concerned with the mind and ideas than anything else. It is a misunderstood place to be because, for others, his ideas hold practical applications that can be hard to deal with. For Snowden, the revealing of structures and ideas is an end in itself. The practical application of the secrets revealed is not something he is likely to be too concerned with…He is always on to the next ideas and the next puzzle piece that needs to be studied. A very restless personality indeed. Funnily enough, Sagittarius is a traditionalist at heart but with Uranus in the mix Snowden is likely to form a personal philosophy in reaction to the accepted norms. I use the word “reaction” because that is how the 7th house works on the psychological level. Whatever Snowden is thinking or telling us is not personal to him. It is not about him at all or his feelings. It is about his Jupiter-Uranus position, which he projects and finds outside of himself. He reacts to this perception of the world and whatever comes out is for everyone to hear. It some ways it is not rational at all because Uranus works in sudden bursts of inspiration. Snowden gets moments of amazing insight and genius that are fleeting. Those moments come and go and sometimes Snowden is awfully bored by how things are. He needs constant stimulation, communication and information. He is easily frustrated if his life is not full of movement and excitement of the intellectual kind. He needs to at least travel inside his mind to keep himself sane. His body and mind are very nervous and electric and can cause high levels of anxiety. 

Mercury in Gemini in opposition to Jupiter-Uranus

The 7th house is how we see the world outside of us. So if the “I” is Snowden’s Mercury, “the world” is the dangerously unstable Jupiter-Uranus. Snowden seeks security and stability above all else, which is elsewhere indicated as an impulse in his chart. His own motivations are universal enough to become a personal cause. The world is symbolized by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction for a whole generation of people. Therefore, whatever Snowden communicates or becomes known for is about people’s collective fears and desires to change the social order. The interesting thing here is that although this is not personal, it can become a coping mechanism for psychological struggles and inner fears around a lack of stability. Snowden never stood a chance but to fulfill his role one way or another. But he had a choice about how to let it manifest. Aspects always manifest one way or another but the choices are ours. He could have easily stayed in the shadows forever and done well for himself financially. Mercury is not the boss- he is the employee. However, Mercury is also a trickster and The Fool is meant to educate us all in our own foolishness. In addition, with Jupiter-Uranus so close to the descendant, there could have been issues with his teammates at work. He needed to break free before they swallowed him up with their ideas and way of life. The 7th house is that very part of us that can become too passive and immersed up in the social norms and expectations in others. It is easy to reject our 7th house calling and become silent and accommodating. I suspect Snowden used to be funny and harmless. Probably he is now funnier than ever. His humor is likely to be sharp and surprising to people. No one is funnier than a Gemini-Sagittarius and no one is more harmless appearing. He could have said or done outrageous things countless times, but I doubt anyone would take him seriously. Jupiter tends to make things seem humorous and unthreatening. Oh, but Snowden is a gray cardinal at heart. 

“You should always let people underestimate you. Because when people misappraise your intelligence and abilities, they’re merely pointing out their own vulnerabilities—the gaping holes in their judgment that need to stay open if you want to cartwheel through later on a flaming horse, correcting the record with your sword of justice.” 

Why? Looking beyond the obvious, Snowden’s natal chart is powerfully Plutonic. He knows power and he knows how power works. He knows because it is in his psyche to understand it. Snowden is a Scorpio Moon and the rulers of his Moon are a very powerfully positioned. As flexible and easy-going as Snowden may appear on the surface, a deep intensity motivates his actions. For one, Snowden’sSnowden’s core ego is ruled by Mars and Pluto. This is someone with a lot of ambition, tenacity and a certain edge. His Sun conjunct Mars is also in Gemini but the energy works towards his 2nd house. He is someone who can work hard if he is motivated by his values. The 2nd house also relates to our confidence and self-esteem and he is very confident about his intellect (Gemini). In turn, he can make a good income with his abilities around tech and if he puts effort into communicating his values. Sun-Mars is also someone who is a fighter at heart. That said, Snowden’s Sun opposes Neptune, which makes him more of an idealist than a physical fighter. Idealism is a tricky thing but not something to be underestimated. People have done crazy things in the name of idealism. But Neptune doesn’t believe in crazy it only believes in the truth behind the veil. It also believes in isolation and loneliness. It goes without saying that his self-perception is guided by sudden insights (Uranus) and the collective unconscious (Neptune) and is not always realistic in the usual sense of the world real. He could have a hard time grasping his own identity and role in the world. He is a chameleon and his flexibility and curiosity would make him less likely to have a solid sense of Self. The self can be easily discarded for the sake of knowledge. He should avoid lies and deception by people by keeping his suspicions awake, which leads me to suggest that Snowden’s life work is motivated by his own unpleasant experiences around deception. His own lack of clarity about the truth and what is real motivates him to fight for coherence as a form of justice. I usually tell people that the universe would support them if they can channel personal struggles towards actions for the greater good. It is not so much a question of truth but of a higher purpose. 

The clearest and interesting voice in the chart is Snowden’s Scorpio Moon. This Moon is a detective that hears the whispers about the figures who really hold the strings behind the curtain. This Moon understands the hidden aspects of power in an almost visceral manner. It is a great position for detailed hard work and deep research and it would keep the lies of Neptune at bay. Snowden’sSnowden’s Scorpio Moon is a very clear voice in the chart because it is the most challenged planet. Scorpio Moon is all about survival and security. It has the instinct fo a person trapped in a city during an apolocylptic event. It feels this way all the time. It can detect danger miles way and it is a classic position for a spy. It is also all about quiet power rather than laud displays. The Scorpio Moon is best in a crisis and it is nurtured by pressure. This Moon may not like it, but she shines the brightest light when some dirt is uncovered. I should mention that Mark Zuckerberg is a fellow Scorpio Mooner and it is not a coincidence. The previous generation of the computer revolution has all fit with the Pluto in Scorpio generation that brought us the internet. Snowden fits in with the Scorpio theme of the techies but he is younger and his actions are all about moving towards a new way of sharing information that fits in with the new Pluto in the Sagittarius generation. I could write a book about that topic and the figures at play at not today. What about cybersecurity? And what about power in the shadows? This is indicated in Snowdens very strong Saturn conjunct Pluto which supports his Sun-Mars. The rulers of Snowden’s Moon are Saturn-Pluto on his 6th house cusp. This is kind of interesting because this is again someone who is born to work very hard for somebody else who is the boss or handler. However, it is also a position of someone who is very powerful in their own right and with time, will gain authority. Saturn-Pluto people are the ultimate survivors but they also tend to deal with a. Lot of repression from powerful figures who sense their potential and try to nip it in the bud. Authority figures and employers can be a pain. The Libra Saturn-Pluto conjunction is very well aspected so it shows that through his work, Snowden can overcome the struggles of his Moon. I like this position fro him because otherwise, he would be flying off into revolution land. The Saturn-Pluto aspect is grounding and very capable of holding stamina over time. Libra would add some tact and ability to work behind the scenes to reach his goals without always disrupting people and situations apart. The ruler of this conjunction is Venus in Leo, which would add an element of hedonism and fun to otherswise very intellectually driven person. Venus would suggest that Snowden could also learn to live in the moment and enjoy life as he gets older. Leo would also help him take the stage as an authority in his own right and would add a flare of style that otherwise would be misplaced. However, it is naive of us not to consider that Snowden is in danger and he is facing a lot of peers working around him. His superb survival instincts and ability to strategize have always helped him but different transits and times can bring some storms. Venus also rules his 12th house which is most important when it comes to forces isolation, hidden things, hidden enemies and secrets. Snowden would have to think hard about when not to appear visible to others and on “the stage” of public life. He can be faced with some issues around choosing to step out when he should hide. Leo would compel his Venus to go out and communicate (Venus is in the 3rd house) but it is square his Moon and can disrupt his security or health. He would have to pick and choose these battles carefully in the near future.

What you want is what is takes: Natal Mars in Aries

Mars is not given enough credit. It is the fire in our soul that propels us forward towards our goals. If Mars is sleeping our energy is low and our willpower dormant.

Mars is at home in the first sign of Aries, although in my experience, it is not really all that at ease here because the energy is so high and hard to direct towards work. Regardless, Mars in Aries is amazingly powerful not only for itself but for others around the person. Why? In part, because the shadow side of Aries is the sign of Libra, which is all about other people. Therefore, Mars in Aries has an energy that can motivate others and make them follow. If your Mars is in Aries, you are a pioneer at heart and someone with very passionate wants and desires. Your own passion is contagious because it is so pure and earnest that others cannot help but be swept away by your will. You have a way of making other people aware of what they want and were afraid to pursue. This ability makes Mars in Aries an excellent leader who can convince people to get up and move. Mars in Aries is all about “think first act later,” and because the action comes first, there is very little place for fear. In many ways you have the courage that comes with not taking the time to think of the dangers of your actions. This is not a criticism but something to consider if you feel that your actions go against your long-term plans. Aries is all about starting projects and pioneering ideas and not so much about the details of the result. Your Mars will thrive at starting things and leading others to take care of the long hours or details of the project. One reason for this is that your physical energy comes out in bursts of tremendous power that burns out really fast. You can exert a lot of energy but only for short periods. The tenacity of an earthy Mars is not here. This is important to keep in mind when choosing a profession so that you are allowed to work hard but with many breaks in between. In addition, your physical reserves are directly tied to your libido drive. This means that a lot of your motivation comes from what you want. You see something you desire and you act. You cannot act unless there is something you desire. Freudian psychology is not accepted any longer but the idea that human beings are propelled by desire rings true for this Mars. 

This can be a strength because you can learn how to motivate yourself from within. You must always have something that you really want but feel like you can’t have. You must feel like a hunter for a treasure to get yourself off the couch. This is fire energy and it needs to air. Air might not be what one thinks of when thinking desire but you can imagine it as the wind that stirs the ship that is the heavy and child-like Aries Mars. Because here is the thing with desires: there must be selfishness for it to even exist. Selfish is not a bad word because our selfish needs can be used for good. Mars in Aries must be selfish or it becomes truly difficult. An Aries Mars that is trying to hide away rom what it wants starts to get into all sorts of trouble in the from of anger and conflicts with people. He will start to find others very annoying because he will project his own selfish needs onto others. He will attract all sorts of very irresponsible and impulsive people to remind him that he needs to finally take action. Because in addition to desire, you are motivated by the need to fight against something. This is true even if you re the most gentle and unaggressive person. The need to have an enemy to battle is there for you and can be expressed as fighting for a cause or debating people. It depends on the chart and the house Mars is playing in. 

Aries is the baby of the zodiac and it is like a young James Dean on a motorcycle. It needs to be on the move and likes speed. Your Mars can propel you forwards if you want something or if you have to fight someone. Otherwise, this Mars, like the child he is, is pretty tame and easy to get along with. You have sparks of energy and moments of excitement that are unbelievably powerful but the rest of the time you keep this energy to yourself. This also applies to your anger which can be almost playful, like a puppy learning to bite. I am not saying you are not secretly a wolf…But you fight for something before you learn you even have teeth that can hurt others. You have no awareness of your own strength until you use it. That is why sometimes this Mars has fears around its own strength and around taking action.

There can be situations when you are younger when you underestimated your powers and someone got hurt. This can happen during a game, a competition or just a moment of anger. It will take maturity and time before you can know how you impact other people. Aries is the child and like any child, he is not always aware that his actions can be separate from others and really make a mess. That is why this Mars can really use some form of sports or games that allow him to learn how to use it’s strength with an awareness of the results so they can learn how to calculate their aim before they act. The stereotype that Mars in Aries is always into sports is not always true. Still, they can always use some form of playful competition or group activity to exercise their passion without any real-life consequences. However, this Mars will still have bursts of physical energy that need an outlet in some form, even if it hates sports. 

Mars in Aries makes a wonderful friend in times of depression because he can cheerlead even during an apocalypse. Mars is related to vitality and it can breath life even into a dead idea or project. As a friend this Mars will always be quick to forget any grievances and there to encourage you to take risks. He will breath life into your sleeping dreams and remind you to be fearless. Sometimes if there is nothing to do or if all it’s efforts are in vain this Mars can become a waling bomb of irritation. Luckily, it is easy enough to resolve once he has leeway to play or express enthusiasm. It is really important to never tell Mars in Aries what to do. Although it does not react well to orders it does react well to challenges. Want Mars in Aires to do something? Tell them they can’t do it or it is too risky. Most of the times they will try and prove you wrong. Strangely enough positive encouragement can be very toxic for Mars in Aries. They may feel it is pointless to put in effort if already everyone is happy with the result. They don’t; see the point of extorting energy towards something unless there is some element of pioneering or excitement involved. Ideally, there is a responsible boss that challenges them to get a team of people to put in effort toward something creative and fun. Mars in Aries is very independent but it also needs some level of behind-the scenes guidance. It needs either an enemy or a prize at the end of the journey to strive for.

In romantic relationships, Mars in Aries is very earnest and straightforward. It likes to feel like the other person is willing to “play” and even compete with them, just as long it is still a respectful and fair competition. This is true of both genders, who like to feel like they can experience their strength through interaction with the other person. They need to respect you and know you can stand up to them and not let them walk all over you. They want an equal partner in crime to join them in a team effort towards their dreams. In fact, they would really enjoy it if you both feel like criminals on the run against the world. It is the kind of scenario they find attractive. They can also challenge you or start debates to feel the passion coming to life. You need to feel at ease and know they don’t mean you any harm. They just want to play. You can constantly challenge them to stop starting things if you want them to stop. Just tell them they can’t do it and watch Mars in Aries become a peaceful dragon.

Appearance wise Mars in fire tends to give a glowing skin that seems to stretch over the muscles and strong eyebrows or jaw-line. Mars in Aries can be into sports and have an impressive physique but they can also lose motivation and have periods of being in-active.

Needs: To act fast while the passion is there, independence, small daily challenges and movement.

Hates: Slow and leading to nowhere plans and dishonest interactions where anger is under the surface.

Loves: Excitement, speed, chasing and hunting for something. Open war fare that ends up in friendship and love.

Famous Mars in Aries:

Prince famous for his raw sexuality and music. Mars rules his creativity and romantic relationships.

A Gemini Sun in the 8th house with Mars in Aries and Pluto on the MC. Pluto and Mars rule creative career and show crisis around that area.

Angelina Julie famous fro her action roles

Mars rules her 10th house and public image, Mars is conjunct Moon and Jupiter so indicates fighting against injustice and being a fierce mother.

Good Astrology books

I have been pondering on writing this post for some time. There are countless astrology books out there and ultimately, they all have merit depending on your level of astrology knowledge or simply taste. To be honest, I did my best not to include my favorite “weird” books and to keep it mostly practical for those who want to get into astrology.

When you order a book through one of the links I get small commission from Amazon. Thank you for the coffee and enjoy the book!

The first book I want to recommend is not an astrology book in the traditional sense but is equally helpful. I find learning as much as possible about human psychology is often just as important. Astrology and psychoanalysis are, after all, corresponding fields of study. We owe the language of psychological astrology to Carl Jung (1875-1961). A good start and a favorite read of mine is The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious. Familiar terms such as ‘archetype’ or ‘collective unconscious’ are presented in this wonderful and groundbreaking book. This one is for anyone interested in understanding human nature and the symbols surrounding us. A good foundation for natal chart readings.

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The second book I wholeheartedly recommend is more practical: The Rulership Book by Rex E. Bolls and Chris Brandt Riske. This one is like the anatomy class for anyone aspiring to know astrology. It is that essential. I know several master astrologers who swear by it to this day…After decades of experience. If you want to master what planet rules what and what house- this one is for you. It reads like a dictionary and works great for both beginner and advanced astrologers.

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The third book is more esoteric in nature and an enjoyable read. I admit I get giddy when I read anything by Stephen Arroyo. I just feel like he has a big heart and truly a spiritual perspective on things. Maybe it’s because of his natal stellium in Scorpio? Whatever the case, if you like to learn about astrology and spirituality, the book Astrology/Karma & Transformation could be for you. I think this is actually one of the first books on astrology I read. Arroyo’s approach is positive and not all doom and gloom. That said, unless you are familiar with evolutionary astrology (astrology as a transformative journey of your soul), this book might not be your style. I had to include it because it makes me smile.

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The fourth book is perfect for beginners! Sue Tomkin’s Aspects in Astrology: A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the HoroscopeThe title says it all. This book is good if you want to start reading charts and feeling at ease doing so finally. It reads like a book you would get if you went to astrology school. It is very accessible and straightforward.

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The fifth book on the list for those of you interested in Saturn from a Jungian perspective. Liz Green’s Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil. Approaching the age of 29? It might be worth reminding yourself of the meaningful aspects of this often challenging time. Green writes beautifully, that is, if you like esoteric old-school language (I do). Oh, and it also has a section on Saturn in synastry. I think this book will resonate with those of you who have hard Saturn aspects Nataly. I remember giving it to a friend who had a very “happy” Saturn and she didn’t resonate as much. A good one if you are a student of mythology, psychology, and culture in general.

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The sixth book is by the genuinely amazing astrology Noel Tyl (1936-2019). I was beyond saddened when he passed away recently. I truly wish I was older and had the chance to learn from him. My feelings aside, I chose a book of his that is truly a fun read and still educational: Astrology of the Famed: Startling Insights into Their Lives. I think one of the best ways to learn astrology is by studying the charts of famous figures—a fascinating read.

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Not sure where to start?

A classic book is The only Astrology book you’ll ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk. The title is ambitious, but this one is great for beginners and just a very harmonious book that covers a lot. If anything, it would make sure you would require many more books on astrology after you start delving into it.

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Moon conjunct/square Pluto in Synastry

If you have a Moon conjunct Pluto with someone you can look forward to feeling attached on a deep level.  This attachment would make it very difficult for two people to not become psychologically linked.

What is a psychological link?  It is when you and another person become vulnerable with each other and exchange a sense of intimacy. This feeling can become very addictive because you become open to parts of yourself that are usually controlled. Moon-Pluto works like deep water that sips into the earth of your foundation. Who you think you are, your personality and social identity become irrelevant when this happens. The couple may experience a sense of crisis about parts of themselves they used to find natural and easy. Suddenly, your emotional reactions, childhood habits and sense of security are put on display.  

You may feel this is happening because your partner has a way of making you feel seen.  You may think that something about them is making you feel safe enough to not hide who you are. The Pluto person has a tendency to skip social politeness and go straight into the emotional being of the Moon person. There is often a sense of not knowing why the attraction is so alluring and strong. In actuality, both people are fascinated with seeing their own hidden, repressed or feral parts come to light. There is a mistaken belief that the other person holds the power to understand us. This belief tends to make people fascinated and obsessed with each other.

The truth is, that the relationship itself can be very revealing and raw. We can’t hide the fact we do things because of some need we have and it feels good to know the other person feels this compulsion too. It also feels very good that it is an unspoken, mysterious connection where both people know they are playing cat and mouse. The fact it is such an unspoken current of the relationship makes it attractive and even sexy. There is a lot of space for both people to project their own animalistic yearning onto the other person and let that fester and grow into a compulsion to become emotionally naked. This aspect tends to override the fact that two people have nothing in common or might not even be one another’s “type”. It creates a pulsing sense of urgency to bond, get emotionally naked and reveal all secrets. This sense of compulsion creates a lot of fear or even guilt in both people. They may ask themselves why do they feel so bewitched with this person? What is it about them that makes it is so important to connect?

Some people experience a sense of repulsion with the other person. They fear their own need to get close to them and they even blame their partner for trying to manipulate them. They might turn to various manipulations in the form of trying to shape and control the relationship dynamic. They want the other person and they would never give up but they deal with their fear by being the one in control of the emotional well-being of the other person (usually the Moon). It is very Moon for the Pluto person to act like a therapist or psychologist so that they can catalog the emotional reactions of the Moon person.

The Moon person when Pluto crosses the line

They do so to ‘help’ the Moon person open up and feel safe. They want Moon to open up so they can feed on the rich emotional nature and sensitivity of their display. It makes Pluto feel powerful and in charge of this kingdom that is the heart of the Moon person. They genuinely revel and enjoy the Moon person’s weakness and displays of instinctive reactions. The Moon person feels very validated that the Pluto person is not running away when seeing them like that. They feel they can be messy, sad, hurt and as dark as can be and still the Pluto person would love them. The problem is that the Pluto person is not always aware that what they really want is to experience their own repressed nature through the Moon person. They may miscalculate their own obsessions and needs when playing this game. For example, they might act cold in order to make the Moon person show how much they need them. By the time the Moon person surrenders and admits they can’t live without the they have repressed their own yearning for them so much that they might lash out in an almost aggressive manner. They would become possessive and fearful and in actuality the Moon person would have the upper hand in this situation. Why? Because they are connected to their truth and emotions and can admit what they need. The Pluto person would intuitively sense this fact and become even more obsessed with finding ways to predict and catalog the emotional reactions of their partner.

If Venus is involved in the Synastry they might do so through kind gestures and nurturing ways. For example, they would want to know what their partner’s favorite food or gift is and use that knowledge when they feel the Moon person is shifting away from the bond. They would show the Moon person with all sorts of actions but would never reveal their own compulsive need to also receive affection and nurturing. It is almost like the Pluto person is living their emotions through the Moon person. This creates a very co-dependent dynamic because both people can’t really fully experience who they are without the other person. The Moon person lost their guard and “skin” to the point where they are very unsafe if the Pluto person stops being their shield. The Pluto person acts like a protective barrier against any outside influence on the Moon person. They can very genuinely keep them safe from harm but this safety means the Moon person must stay in the imaginary fort that Pluto created for them.

The Moon should ask themselves whether this fort is a golden cage, a prison or home? It is usually all three.

The healthier the relationship the more honest Pluto can be about how attached they are to the Moon. The less honest they are with themselves about why they provoke or protect the Moon the more likely this relationship would turn into a cage where they both feel exposed, weak and unfulfilled. Yet, they would always care and love one another because no other person has ever touched them so deeply and exposed them to something they didn’t think was possible in our world that can be called real intimacy. Intimacy not based on anything superficial but on real sharing of two souls. They might recognize the relationship is unhealthy and move on but with a sense of gratitude for the experience. It is also possible they would stay but both would have to transform and be very raw with each other about their fears and their need to feel safe. If they are ready to work together they would become conjoined into an entity that is hard to destruct. The bond would be unbreakable and fiercely loyal.

Virgo Rising: The Maze

Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.  / We have no right to express an opinion until we know all of the answers  – Kurt Cobain, Virgo rising.

A Vigo rising is a bit of a contradiction, today I want to talk about the troubles these folks face- as well as the strengths of their character. The ascendant is often described as a mask- it is not who you really are.  Is that really so? If you think about it- a mask is still something you chose to wear- it is still a part of who you are by choice. I do not mean you chose to behave like your rising, rather you identify with it. For example, our taste in food, music, fashion and friends all compose our self-image.  

What is the self-image of the Virgo rising?

Virgo rising people are used to being the responsible one, they are familiar with people turning towards them when things need to get done or a question needs to be answered.

Unlike an Aries rising they are not “the wild one” or at least not when growing up- but we will get to that a bit later. You can recognize a Virgo rising person if you meet them and the first thing they do is ask you a question. The Gemini may ask you something to start a conversation but the Virgo will ask you something like: “would you like some water?” they will then run into the kitchen and bring you something. They will not do it like the Libra rising, with a smile and lots of charm- they will always do things without taking the limelight and probably without making a big deal out of it. This is why people tend to view them as reliable and responsible.

Really what the Virgo rising wants and does is only one thing: gathering information. It is their curse and their gift. They may be doing something with you or for you but their mind is always in one place- wanting to know.  Knowing for them is the way their mind works- they always need more information and once they have it they make sure to gather more details – in every situation. The Virgo rising is truly amazing when it comes to what they know- which is a lot- the only problem is they don’t  filter the information at all. It is truly hard for them to figure out what is important and what is useless and so they end up with a messy mind. Worse, they end up obsessed and stressed out and unable to organize their mind.

It is their curse and their gift. They may be doing something with you or for you but their mind is always in one place- wanting to know.  Knowing for them is the way their mind works- they always need more information and once they have it they make sure to gather more details – in every situation. The Virgo rising is truly amazing when it comes to what they know- which is a lot- the only problem is they don’t  filter the information at all. It is truly hard for them to figure out what is important and what is useless and so they end up with a messy mind. Worse, they end up obsessed and stressed out and unable to organize their mind.

I believe it is a misconception to think of Virgo as the clean, organized person- the usual description of Virgo qualities is really a description of who they want to be.The Virgo rising wants to be the perfect person, perfection can mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people.

Usually these are the people who strive to reach that image, and guess what? They really do care what you think of them.  They care because they don’t realize that other people are not necessarily putting them under scrutiny all the time- it is they who are so hard on themselves. They really do need to learn to turn that negative record in their brain: “I’m not good enough; I wish I was better looking, I could do this job better”.

The Virgo rising is rarely relaxed- they are always busy on the inside- trying to learn, analyze or criticize the new information.  They don’t show how tired that makes them feel- usually you know something is wrong if they take a sick day or stop asking questions. This rising sign is an introverted one- they do need time alone to relax and unwind.  More importantly they need time to figure out what matters to them and what is just a response towards the stimulation of the world.

They are not repressed emotionally like the Virgo Moon person- but they are unable to stop their mind from racing. The best way to deal with this is to use their genius ability for the sake of others- if they do research of some sort for a goal that someone else needs, their mind is able to let some of the information go. They should also try and learn about meditation or anything else that relaxes and stops their mind from working.

Another thing they should learn (a very Virgo word) is to organize their life better so that they don’t get stuck on all the details. Instead of having to remember where they put their phone or keys of what bills they need to pay- they are better of turning to work that serves them.

Regardless of all that is going on within the mind of a Virgo rising (it is a very interesting mind), they will appear to have it together- they look like they know where they are going. A Virgo rising can be recognized by the following things:  Their eyes are very penetrating and moving from one thing to the next- their gaze is not steady but it is smart. They just look like smart people- it can be all kinds of smart: street smart, student smart, life smart. Similarly to the Gemini there is an element of clever mischief in their gaze as well.  When they let their hair down they tend to be the quirkiest and funniest people. The sense of humor can be a bit sharp but the lines are delivered in such a gentle way you may have missed the joke!  The sound of their voice is almost always quiet and the timber soft.  They appear to be in control of their bodies- their shoulders, back the tilt of the head and they just seem to know where their hands are at. This may make them seem a bit artificial and maybe snobby- to some signs.

In truth Virgo rising just want to appear perfect and they are worried you might judge them, so they try very hard to control themselves. This is a bit unfortunate because when they don’t focus on their own mind and perceptions of the world- they are able to shine with how clever, funny and perfect they are. That is the irony- they are more perfect than most people, as they put so much time and effort into what they do. They just happen not to be perfect at everything – and their biggest flaw in their inability to forgive themselves and others for their flaws.

Now let’s talk about their wild side. They do have one- in fact, the Virgo rising is the person most likely to do crazy things- when they let go.  Remember they are curious people? So that interest may be turned towards less savory things at times. In addition to the interest to know more- it is good to know their shadow side is Pisces- the big dreamer, the escapist. When your shadow side is Neptune- running away from problems is an issue.  The symptoms of these issues can be using drugs, alcohol or sex to run away. It can be a running away into their maze-like mind, into the obsessive thoughts that keep playing.

The same shadow side is also the answer- they are secretly an idealist and they can turn their wish for perfection towards fixing the world- and themselves.  If the problem is in their mind- the answer is both in the Pisces shadow but also out there- in the actual world.


At the end of the day, Virgo is a sensual sign and their personal growth can only happen through true and real, honest interaction with the “real” world.  Not the world of ideas, thoughts, memories and information- no. The actual world of the present- where they let themselves be flawed and walk outside into the light- being who they really are- honest about their identity without trying to conform to an ideal.  When they reach that point in their growth- they are beautiful. Shining with their deep insight into everything and most of all- in their ability to see that everything is nothing- and only the now matters.

2023: Alone Again

This year is BIG time on shifts and transformation. The main change I see for ALL of us is our shift in perception of our social belonging. This shift will take place due to both Saturn entering the sign of Pisces in March and Pluto in Aquarius. In addition, some pretty explosive Aries energy will also emphasize individualism and the need to pave a lonely but honest path in the world.

Why? Because Saturn in Aquarius lessons called us to work on being interesting and creative enough to even be part of the larger social order and the online community.

Let us start with the Saturn in Pisces energy. Unlike Saturn in Aquarius, it finally allows us to let go of needing to fit in agroup. Up until now we all had to work hard on our relationships if we wanted them to be mature. Now we can finally rip the fruit of our labor and take a step back to look inwards, focus on our inner world and dreams while still maintaining our friendships and social status. All our hard work with Saturn in Aquarius left us feeling like we deserve support and a place in society only IF we make an effort. The efforts can relate to fitting into social groups, online communities and creating a social image that other people find interesting enough to even pay attention to. Meanwhile, Saturn in Pisces will require us to let go of caring what others think of us and by doing so we can find real connections and a sense of social belonging. Self-promotion is no longer of benefit. Being authentic and of service with what we each have to offer others will become the new “cool.” 

In March we will reconnect with our dreams for the future and gain enough courage to follow them. As a result, we will step into our own unique path and form relationships from a more authentic and empathic space. We will value authenticity in others and when we see someone else following a dream, we will feel inspired rather than wanting to cut them down.

Neglected hobbies, dreams, creative projects, hopes and secret fantasies are all coming this spring to remind us we are never alone and have a rich inner world that needs to be remembered.

Pluto in Aquarius will be less soft and fluffy but will help us gain enough desire to transform our lives. Pluto will make sure that the relationships or identities we hold will be transformed even if it means they first must end. 

In 2023 Pluto and Saturn speak of letting go of a false sense of identity in the social order. The mask needs to be destroyed and your true Self needs to shine. The first step will require a lot of bravery for you and I suggest making changes until May. From May onwards we will feel more stable in our new skin and in the world.

Being alone has never felt better.

Breaking the 7th house pattern and becoming your (whole) Self

Did you know that your 7th house shows events in your life?

You come into this world with certain qualities. You are not born as a blank slate because from the very first day of life you have a particular orientation towards reality. As a result, you encounter certain events and situations which create and confirm your basic personality. That makes sense considering that the 1st house is symbolic of the Self and its 7th house is the world. The 7th house confirms that the world is a certain way and that your role within it is specific to you. This movement between perceiving the world in a certain way and having that perception confirmed in different situations is what gradually makes you…Yourself. For example, if your ascendant is in the sign of Libra, you may see the world as a place ruled by Mars.

The world to you is full of ambitious, often selfish, even aggressive people that get things done. Your perception is always confirmed as correct because you position yourself as someone who cares about keeping social harmony and doing things more diplomatically. However, you keep encountering people who try and step into more direct conflict with you. The world seems to always push you to be more assertive, direct, ambitious and quick to react. Now, there are two ways you can react to this. First, you can decide that you want to step even more into your Libra qualities. You may put more effort into getting along with people and pleasing them. You will keep trying to avoid and run away from confrontation and the “Aries” events the universe throws at you.

Over time you will only attract more and more situations that force you to take a stand or fight for something you care about. The events will become more aggressive and difficult to ignore until finally, you step into accepting that the unattractive Aries qualities are not only within other people but also within you. This realization breaks the illusion of the 7th house because now you perceive the world in a more balanced way (pun intended, Libra). You see it as a place where getting along with others matters but knowing when to fight and take a stand is also good. What happens next? You finally see yourself not as Libra acting in an Aries world but as a person that can pick and choose how to reach and what kind of events to participate in during various times of life. The 7th house spell is broken and you become your full Self. You are now stronger and wiser and the world no longer appears like a threat full of aggression and conflict.

You can be the judge of how in tune you are with your 7th house. Ask yourself what do you think about the world .What is it like? What are most people like?

Try and write down simple words and qualities that spring to mind. Don’t judge your answers but try and see if they fit a particular sign. Now, flip your answers, write the opposite qualities to the sign, and see if you identify with it more. For example:

“I see the world as a place that is unsafe and where things can always go wrong. People in it are very powerful and can become dangerous if I anger them.”
“I see the world as a place full of irresponsible people but also as a place full of magical possibilities and art.”

Guess which sign is which?

Some people identify more with their 7th house and reject their first house qualities. This happens if the Sun is weak or if they have planets in the 7th house. It can be hard for some people to accept the vital part of them that wants to shine and interact with the world. They will often fear appearing or being selfish. In other cases, a person admires the 7th house qualities to the point of idol worship. They find friends or celebrities that they worship and fit the qualities that they secretly have within them. The key to a more balanced life is often about the expression of your energies within the world arena. It is about allowing yourself to express your core personality and not reject it.

No living human being lives in a fully balanced state. No one really can always have a complete balance between themselves and the world. The conflict between staying true to who we are and finding our place among other people and their dreams, needs and personalities make life exciting and full of growth. However, learning to accept and use what we either reject or admire in other people will allow us to be ourselves with more authenticity and less inner criticism.

Aries-Libra: To do my will in the world and not lose my connection to spirituality and others.

Taurus-Scorpio: To belong to myself but also to other people.

Gemini-Sagittarius: To search but also reach understanding.

Cancer-Capricorn: To be safe but also sets out of my comfort zone.

Leo-Aquarius: To leave a mark on the world but also support the creativity of others in my group.

Putin? An astrological speculation 

I will not talk about the horrible war and tremendous suffering many are going through as you read my words. If you can help anyone in any way, do. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Today, I will briefly note what I find crucial about Putin’s natal chart and current state of mind. For the sake of my own objectivity, I will call him “the person.” Skip to the last part of my conclusions if you wish.

1. Gemini Moon uninspected in the 8th house with ruler Mercury in the 12th house conjunct Neptune.

This position suggests that the emotions are very detached and impersonal. The Moon makes no aspect to other planets but it is still a very forceful 8th house Moon. Using words (Gemini) to achieve power (8th house) comes very naturally. The lack of aspects to the Moon and the strong Neptune influence suggests the person can turn his emotions off, so they don’t impact his reasoning. The irony is that instead of feelings, his mind is very influenced by Neptune. This means that he can believe anything he decides to be true. It is not a matter of lying but a matter of fully immersing his mind in a vision. The 12th house rules secrets and hidden enemies and so his mind may be constantly worried about future possibilities of being taken over from behind the scenes. It also goes without saying there is idealism here but it is skewed strongly by Uranus in Cancer in the 9th house. Uranus values technology and reason above familiar bond. It is an idea of brotherhood that is based on ideology and not emotional ties.

2. Mercury square Uranus in the 9th house with a Jupiter in Taurus

What type of idealism? Cancer is the sign of patriotism and the motherland and the 9th house is all about better horizons but also teaching and faraway lands. The person sees himself as “the father” of the land and its teacher. There is also a desire to be seen as different or even a maverick. There is no fear of being seen as an outsider and in fact, the more people see him as such the harder he will try to impose his vision. That is not to say that in earlier life, there was no such fear or pain around having a vision that seems very far off from reality and people’s daily concerns. There is no personal pleasure in things like food or luxuries beyond them being useful images that signify belonging to a long tradition of rulership (kings and emperors). The image of a ‘protector’ or knight in shining armor is what the person projects and is famous for (12th house of fame). He does not want to be seen as an aggressor but as someone who is accepted by his people as part of a large family (Cancer). However, the true desire is to shift the rules and status quo for the sake of a vision that can be very far off anything reasonable or regular BUT with a superficial image of returning to tradition. This means that even though this person may present a return to tradition or the past when he talks about his goals his true vision is that of a future never before created or seen (Uranus in 9th). 

Jupiter ruler of the 9th house is in taurus so again the need to be seen as a benefactor and someone who sticks to tradition and the way things were. There is a desire to rule the mob through nostalgic images and the past but in order to create a futuristic society that is actually devoid of any traditional values. He values what can be produced and measured alone. This value of production (Cancer/Taurus) it wrapped in a very sentimental image that is projected towards society. The mind is also open to eruptions of visions of grandeur that are fleeting and hard to grasp. The danger here of course is that the person cannot separate personal moods from those visions because he believes himself to be completely emotionally detached. He may find other people to be too needy and emotional and find them irrational and devoid of rational detachment and vision. 

3. Venus in Scorpio opposite Jupiter in 7th house

The persona is actually ruled by Pluto and Mars and there is a need to define the Self via the ability to have power and even be feared by others. This person cares little about being liked but a lot about being respected. Mars is in Sagittarius so it also rules his Uranus and relates to personal self-perception. He sees himself as a risk-taker, adventurer and conqueror of knowledge and lands. This position indicates sports, horses and martial arts which his personal hobbies reflect. Pluto, meanwhile is conjunct the MC in Leo and his entire public persona is that of a fighter, strategist, secret weaver of information and dominant figure. The Sun in Libra in the 11th house suggests that there is a great desire to think of humanity in terms of groups and not individuals. He sees himself as the voice of the group. The “group” he feels most connected to his people who are unafraid to scheme and use skills to acquire power (his friends) but he likes them only if they are constantly in survival mode (Scorpio). The danger here is that he will want a society of warriors (who are not “weak” according to his view) who are not individualistic and are fighting to survive. A society that is economically strong and fertile where people just enjoy themselves (Taurus) will be appealing only during certain periods. Still, it will always swing back to the vision of a warrior- brotherhood-group that is progressing towards an indepndeant (isolated) society that is very powerful and feared by others. 

  1. Jupiter in Taurus in the 7th house as shadow

The 7th house represents other people, Taurus represents ownership and the 9th house shows faraway lands. Jupiter rules his 9th house and ideology and vision of the best future. 

This person sees other lands as already belonging to him because they are part of his shadow or 7th house. He cannot separate what others own from his own vision. There is no concept of “this is mine, but this is someone else’s.” He owns what fits his vision and by thinking it alone believes it to already be his and part of his possession. This is interesting because it suggests that action comes only when what he believes to belong to him rejects his advances to touch, take and hold (Taurus) a desire to own comes from the shadow. This is tricky because the more I look at this chart the less I see “lies” and the more I see self-conviction which is indeed very fixed in the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Very hard to move away from and perhaps more dangerous. 

Conclusions and current state of mind 

What is happening is that personal visions are projected towards the entire Russian people and world. This is happening because Jupiter in Pisces is magnifying Putin’s 12th house and his Venus in Scorpio. The opposition aspect always swings between two extremes. He turned from wanting to rule a country that is part of a world-brotherhood of economic prosperity (Jupiter in Taurus and his strong 11th house/Uranus influence will want progress and prosperity) towards his Venus in Scorpio opposing his 7th house. He now has a vision of an outsider country that is feared by others. Jupiter has always related to war because it expands personal tendencies and makes them BIGGER.

So…Nothing changed in terms of his personal views they just became amplified and more obvious to others in the world. The 12th house is usually kept hidden in secret but current Jupiter places the spotlight on the secrets that were always there in the natal chart. The hidden personal vision for the world his coming to light. Jupiter is also going through his 4th house, so expansion of land and resources once again is indicated. 

The light at the end of the tunnel is that once a person succumbs so fully to his Jupiter/Neptune vision he isn’t calling the shots alone. The collective society is part of the game and very influential because Pisces is not about individuals but a group of people gathering together. Remember that the positive side of Jupiter/Neptune is altruism and charity. The shadow side of a dark vision is people waking up and wanting to give and help in reaction. Jupiter in Pisces is influencing everyone! The darkness and light are both amplified on a social group level. 

I also want to note Saturn is on his IC and Uranus will eventually square the MC so there will be trouble around those areas. This means trouble of being limited in his public persona and his social status and image. This is already taking place. The real troubles all will go via the Moon which impacts Mercury which yes, very erratic behavior, thoughts, moods, repression of personal emotions to the point of imbalance of energy and the nervous system right now is impacted. I don’t want to make predictions here but as the fourth house will be even more highlighted soon, the possibility is that changes will come via the 12th house (behind the scenes) and the natal hard square of Uranus. Uranus is ruled by Cancer (the Moon) so his greatest opposition is the patriotism of those he wants to conquer BUT also the family ties of those he rules. There will be great impact of the pressures of the family on the figures that do his bidding…

The strongest reason for all this is the expansive nature of Jupiter and Neptune and the repressed Moon via the IC aspects. This person has been alone and perhaps someone he cared about has left or gone away overseas.