Tag Archives: nicki minaj astrology

#1 AstroPop Profile: Saggittarius Queens

In the following series, we explore how popular musicians reflect their Astrological roots. We break down lyrics, videos and style to show the signs working on the collective front of pop culture. Warning: Stereotypes allowed. 

The Sagittarius girl is born to dominate and succeed in the music business. Her main virtue is her dramatic flair and storytelling. Her creative heart fuels a dramatic image reflected in her bold style choices.  She seems to be working from an emotional core: Stories of love, revenge, and victory. Yet Sagittarius is not emotional by nature, he is simply a good storyteller, a dramatic teacher who wishes to speak to the mob. The Sagittarius girl is an actress who enjoys weaving popular mentality at her commend. She is naturally gifted at breaking up complicated into simple and warping it in an attractive cover. Sagittarius rules traditional Jupiter and as such the girls like to ring out something from the past in their creations and style. The Sagittarius girl is an actress who enjoys weaving popular mentality at her commend. She is naturally gifted at breaking up complicated into simple and warping it in an attractive cover. Sagittarius rules traditional Jupiter and as such the girls like to bring out something from the past in their creations and style.

No matter how sad the song, there is something powerful about the Sagittarius girl’s strength to always bounce back. It is not luck but optimism and a strong value system that allows the queen to always be victorious. The self-esteem is usually strong, they are confident and will stand their ground.

The Sagittarius queen is loved by the masses for how accessible she is. Her lyrics are rarely complicated but always delivered with such a dramatic flair – you believe her. Sagittarius rules publishing and this gives the Sagittarius girl a secret business talent. She knows what the people love and hate and she is willing to play. Jupiter rules expansion and these artists all show how harmless drama can get out of hand. The willingness to expand allows the singers to change their images. Usually in bold ways, from pure to dirty, sweet to angry, virgin and whore. Jupiter likes things to be big, bold and loud. Co-Ruled by Pisces there is an element of fantasy and mystery to all Jupiter creations, combined with the ability to take what the public believes in and throw in their face.

In pop culture, the Sagittarius may take the seediest hedonistic elements of the collective such as extreme sexuality and greed. Sagittarius likes to sing about money and possessions. It equally likes to sing about love, and it will shout about it from the rooftops. It is not a subtle kind of song. Sagittarius usually thinks they are right but are redeemed by their generosity towards others. “High” Sagittarius songs deal with ideas about a better society, a better relationship and a better love. “Low” Sagittarius songs deal with hedonism, money, and sex. Many artists move between the two and play around with various ideas and images. Remember when Christian Aguilera came out with “Dirty”? They enjoy shocking people on moral grounds.

Jupiter likes things to be big, bold and loud. Co-Ruled by Pisces there is an element of fantasy and mystery to all Jupiter creations, combined with the ability to take what the public believes in and throw in their face. In pop culture, the Sagittarius may take the seediest hedonistic elements of the collective such as extreme sexuality and greed. Sagittarius likes to sing about money and possessions. It equally likes to sing about love, and it will shout about it from the rooftops. It is not a subtle kind of song. Sagittarius usually thinks they are right but are redeemed by their generosity towards others.

“High” Sagittarius songs deal with ideas about a better society, a better relationship and a better love. “Low” Sagittarius songs deal with hedonism, money, and sex. Many artists move between the two and play around with various ideas and images. Remember when Christian Aguilera came out with “Dirty”? They enjoy shocking people on moral grounds.

I hope next time you hear a song by a Sagittarius you will notice this come through.

Strength: Songwriting and storytelling with voice and acting, bold and brave

Weakness: Can exaggerate and become caricatures of themselves (cringe)

The sexy:  Playing a character, at heart wild and sporty

Style: Vintage fairy tales, Baroque

Examples: Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Billie Eilish, Nicki Minaj, Britney Spears, Amy Lee, Christina Aguilera

Queen Earth: Taylor Swift


Taylor Swift is known for her simple catchy beats and lyrics. She cultivates a style that leans heavily on American culture. Her bold red lips speak of pin girls and yet she is the girl next door. She is retro yet she is fresh. She has been accused of using her personal romances as fuel for her popular songs. She is a songwriter that writes about heartbreak and revenge. She is very much dramatic in every sense from her movement on stage to her facial expressions. Her music videos showcase over the top stories of collective fairy tales.

I give her the Earth Element because of the strong presence of Saturn and Capricorn in her Natal Chart. Earth would give the type of S stories and the style she tells them in a more vintage and traditional feel. Think Romeo and Juliette. Appropriately her popular album was titled  Fearless and don’t forget the characters she likes to play in her videos. Sagittarius can always use some Saturn to give him the ability to hold its horses and not over gamble in life. Swift is a good example of business sense that feels the tides of trends as they come and go. Her Cancer Moon helps her connect to the primitive emotional strings of her audience. Cancer is the baby, the childhood dream but it can bite when hurt.

Lyrics: Now I’m standing alone in a crowded room and we’re not speaking,
And I’m dying to know is it killing you like it’s killing me, yeah?
I don’t know what to say, since the twist of fate when it all broke down,
And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now. – The Story of Us

Queen Air: Billie Elish BillieBellyache2.1web.jpg

This artist is new but is a great example of Sagittarius at its finest.  A very young 18-year-old but there is a lot of wisdom in her delivery. Her strength again appears in her storytelling and the way her voice shifts to accommodate every word with meaning. She is a pure actress; rebellious teen is her Sagittarius role.  Notice how she tells the story of murdering her cheating boyfriend in the song Bellyache, it is all about her delivery. The lyrics themselves are very simple.

Like Swift, she is a triumphant victim in a different style. Speaking of different, Eillish has Uranus, the planet for all that is alternative, innovative and rebellious on her side. Therefore, I think Air is her element. Sagittarius with a strong Aquarius emphasis is generally great at developing a unique style and voice.  In female charts especially, a rejection of gender roles is common. The Sagittarius girl is by nature a tomboy. The art such a mix produces tends to concern itself with what is right and wrong in relationships between humans. Uranus and Jupiter both care a great deal about finding the right dogma to fit their worldview. Using some shock value is a common way for them to make other people think and find the freedom to express their creativity. With Uranus in the mix, Eilish can make anything look attractive and sexy, even if it doesn’t fit into the traditional popular view.

lyrics: Sitting all alone
Mouth full of gum
In the driveway
My friends aren’t far
In the back of my car
Lay their bodies – Bellyache

Queen Fire: Nicki Minaj


This artist has enough fire in her chart to burn a room but with some earth to ground her. Jupiter is never tired, the energy is always going and going like…Her words. With Virgo moon her flair for words, fast and witty is evident. Her style is very much made from bold shapes and colors taken over the top. Remember, she is playing a role and behind it is probably someone shrewder than you think. Some consider the Sagittarius style to be too much and too sexy. Jupiter likes it that way. Oh and Jupiter roles curves.  Lyrics: All of these bitches in pocket, I’m ’bout to make a deposit. Tell ’em to go ‘head and gossip
As long as your house is the size of my closet-

Queen Water: Amy Lee 

amy lee

Amy Lee is enchanting with her beautiful voice that seems too big and deep for one person. Her style leans on the gothic warped in fairy tales with a dark atmosphere and stories of emotional depth is her art. Like Swift, she has a Cancer Moon, which allows her to go into the instinctive real of the heart. While Swift goes into subjects of Cancer the baby- teenage years, the fears and needs of the young Cancer. Amy Lee goes into the deep waters of the collective soul. She too has a taste for the dramatic with her gothic style and of course the music of Evanescence which hits your heart with no apologies.

Lyrics: When you cried I’d wipe away all of your tears
When you’d scream I’d fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me – My Immortal