Category Archives: composite chart

Composite Moon conjunct Uranus

When the sensitive Moon is conjunct Uranus in the composite chart the boundaries of familiarity between the couple, tend to dissolve easily. This aspect is very common among people who tend to become friendly and open with each other right away. As a result, this will be an exciting and often fun connection that feels like anything is possible. The obvious downside is that the two people don’t really know one another yet and the fast disclosure can make them feel vulnerable. There is something about Uranus that strips away the formality that is usually part of dating. In fact, all the outer planets tend to strip away the superficial aspects of our personalities so we gain a higher perspective. Pluto can strip flesh straight away to the bones of our fears and pain, meanwhile, Uranus can strip away the conventions and costumes we adopted in our lives. Because Uranus is all about the larger future-oriented meaning of things the couple can be completely uninterested in dealing with the boring domestic details of their lives or work. Instead, the Moon-Uranus couple would prefer visionary pursuits that make them feel alive and future-oriented. Tradition and convection tend to be something they are both redefining together in the relationship. It is therefore not fair to say that the couple doesn’t care about formality, culture, convention or traditional relationships! They care a lot about understanding and redefining the meaning of the unsaid rules of love and domesticity. Some couples can in fact, adopt “traditional rules” as a form of rebellion. I, therefore, disagree that Moon-Uranus is the unstable combination that it is often described as.

Independence is fun, especially when there’s a beloved waiting in the wings, and freedom makes you a more interesting person. Having separate lives brings fresh air into a relationship. –  Deborah Moggach

Moon-Uranus CAN create commitment problems but not because it fears commitment. The core problem with Moon-Uranus is the fast self-disclosure that tends to burn the couple out. We all have very vulnerable parts in our psyche that can’t survive being discovered so fast by a complete stranger. The Moon-Uranus couple becomes so excited about the relationship and finding a like-minded person. They tend to be very honest with one another even if it’s better to take some time before dropping the walls down. Emotional honesty is a wonderful thing for any relationship however Uranus is a visionary not an empath…The people can be honest about their emotions in an intellectual way that lacks the emotional intimacy that breeds trust. They can both feel like oversharing information and rushing the relationship. They just trust each other with no reason except for an elusive electric feeling that the person in front of them is a kindred spirit. They could be right! But many times, people end up feeling they said too much or jumped into living with someone before they really had the time to build trust through actions. I therefore suggest the Moon-Uranus couple does not assume that anything they share is appropriate. They both need to acknowledge that emotions are a vulnerable area of disclosure. If they want to share and envision what they have in common (which is always a lot) they can keep the topic intellectual and avoid secrets or personal history. If the Moon-Uranus couple manages to pass the sixth-month mark (or however long it takes) and are still as excited about their connection it is time to consider their personal habits. Moon rules our unconscious habits and also the feminine aspect of the relationship. Moon-Uranus suggest that the home would be a very energetic space where the individuality of the couple is important. The couple would want their daily lives to reflects their hobbies and ideals. They can also enjoy moving or changing their physical space so that something exciting to look forward to is always just around the corner. Ultimately Moon-Uranus suggests the couple is intelligent, high-minded and willing to grow. They can build a wonderful friendship and an interesting life that contributes to their community. The couple must always strive to see the bigger picture of their involvement with one another – it is never just about the couple but about their social role and mission. It is really important they remember that and not focus on personal weaknesses and vulnerabilities that are revealed too early. The couple needs to value their relationship as something unique and larger than life. Both people can do this if they value the individuality and equality of their partners. If they share hobbies and social causes of some sort, they can gain much harmony even in hard times. It is pointless to ever avoid a Moon-Uranus relationship but it works best when you just let t speak for itself without pre-written expectations. Enjoy the tremendous honesty and sense of excitement of this aspect because it can open you to a new expression of Self in relation to the world.

Moon conjunct Uranus in the Houses:

First House: The couple will be known as quirky and emotionally open. People would notice this couple right away and want to befriend them or argue with them. The couple can’t hide any conflicts or feelings they have from others. They are “cool.”

Second House: The couple makes money by channeling their excitement into a project. They will seek emotional stability through building something together that relates to their social values. They can feel that emotions are not reliable enough so they want to make something that lasts.

Third House: The couple is very youthful, friendly and curious. They like to share their ideas with others. They are very honest with people. They can be emotionally reactive when their opinions are challenged. The couple will also enjoy being verbally creative in how they express their emotions.

Fourth House: The couple creates its own mythical roots and sense of home that is based on their individual needs. There can be an unusual home or way of life. They can enjoy staying at home where their unique hobbies are explored. The home may have a lot of technology or group meetings.

Fifth House: The couple is playful and charismatic. They are very visionary and like to enjoy good parties and get togethers with those they love. They can have a unique attitude towards children that is very open and fun. They may find their own emotional reactions entraining or even funny.

Sixth House: This couple is all about being of service to their ideals and they can neglect their emotional needs for the sake of others. They can often need private time to sooth and recharge their energy which can be over extended.

Seventh House: This coupe attracts interesting people like a magnet. They see themselves as a team of weirdos or outsiders that are more talented together than alone. They can be very good journalists, interviewers or even politicians in social situations. They inspire people a lot.

Eighth House: This couple is all about all encompassing intimacy that often comes into conflict with them wanting to be separate and individualistic. They can be very magnetic because their bond tends to be felt by others on a visceral level that is “movie worthy.” They have to have common values so they don’t feel afraid of the level of vulnerability they have with each other.

Ninth House: This couple is very intelligent and amazingly capable of spreading their lessons to the public. They male like to change where they live or travel a lot. They tend to see their emotional bond as an unfolding teaching moment that they view with some philosophical detachment. They may like a house full of knowledge and learning and can even run a school of sorts.

Tenth House: This couple are are all about humanistic pursuits and leadership. They can be visionaries through media outlets or politics who try and reform the well being of women or anyone who feels like an outsider. They will need a project or common career goal to truly relate to each other. Taking time to reform their relationship is crucial even if hard.

Eleventh House: These are the truly famous couples who will collect groups around them. They can enjoy a sense of brotherhood and friendship that keeps the romance stable even when the spark is over.

Twelfth House: This couple needs to be very clear about their individual riles and needs before dissolving into each other. They can be greta healers, teachers and leaders of spiritual meaning.

Aspects will change the meaning of the Moon-Uranus position in the composite.